⚡️Keith Powers🪐

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This Man's fine ass🙄

H.E.R's Fate played through your AirPods as you put the finishing touches on your drawing of a modern day Cleopatra,it had took you 2 hours free hand to draw it and you actually didn't have anything negative to critic about it.

You felt your bed sink as you looked up to see your best friend Keith smiling at you as his pearly white teeth shined like straight out of a Colgate commercial.
Rolling your eyes smiling ,you double tapped your left air pod making the music stop.

"Can I help you Mr.Powers?"you pushed up your glasses before resting your chin in your hand as you propped your elbow up on your knee
"Actually ,yes you can Ms.Thompson"he kissed your forehead before laying his head in your lap picking up your drawing looking over it.

"Remember in our freshmen year when you made me travel halfway across Cali just so you could see that graffiti work under that bridge"he looked up at you as you ran your clear acrylic nail through his bushy eyebrow making them feather
"Yes and I also remember that you were the one that wanted to come"you reminded him
"only because I didn't want you to go by yourself-but that's besides the point ,you said and I quote"he cleared his throat closing his eyes as you rolled your eyes"Thanks for coming with me Tyree and just so you know ,anytime you need me to go with you anywhere ,I'll do it"he batted his eyelashes as you hit his chest pushing him off of you as you stood up making him laugh,he leaned back and sat up on his elbows crossing his ankles as he watched you.

"So you want me to go somewhere with you?"you grabbed a scrunchie from your dresser putting your curly hair up in a bun as he nodded slowly and you waited for him to continue
"A party?"he said a questioning tone as you rolled your eyes and your hands dropped to your side smacking your legs

"Come on Christian it's a Friday night and here you are cooped up in yah room"he tilted his head
"And your point is?"you twisted your neck putting on your brown moccasins

"You need to get out more,talk to other human's and be a normal 17 year old...maybe even get a man"he mumbled the last part thinking you didn't hear him as you picked up your volleyball from the floor tossing it at his chest as it hit making a thumping noise,he held it laughing as you put your hands on your hips pulling down your cropped grey hoodie that was halfway rising and went also with the grey leggings and white nike socks you were wearing.

He poked his lip out furrowing his eyebrow as he held the volleyball to his chest looking at you with sad eyes

"Please Chris "he begged as you chewed on your bottom lip
"I don't even think I have anything to wear"you played with your nails looking down
"Lemme take you to the mall"he suggested as you threw your head back
"Gimme 5"you dragged your feet against the carpet
"Thank you mama"he yelled back as you threw your hand at him.

"Come on Chris you look good as hell"Keith said holding your hand as your red pointed toe heels clicked against the driveway with every step you took.

"You don't think the dress is too short...or tight?"you looked up at him as the two of you stood in front of the mansion doors and Keith rung the doorbell ,you were referring to the red body con and spaghetti strapped mini dress you were wearing.
"No and besides you got a banging body,show it sometime"he pulled at a curly strand of your hair that fell from your messy but cute bun as you smiled

Whoever the girl will be,she sure is lucky if she ends up with Keith,he's everything any girl could ask for,you thought to yourself as he grinned at you

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