Meeting You

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                    I just moved from California to Boston MA. I left everything i had. My freinds, my house,old memories, everything. When we got o the plane it felt like forever but we finally landed. Me, my mom, my dad, and my two brothers got into a cab and drove to our new house. It was huge! It had a pool and a hot tube in the back yard. When i walked inside i was even more suprised. It was huge and amazing. I just stood there like an idiot."Do you like it?" My mom asked. I just stood there somemore. "Katie i no its probably really jard for you right now (which it was) so you can choose the room you want." My mom said."Really?!" "Ya any room you want!" I ran up stairs to look at the rooms. I finally chose a room with a batjroom to the right and two windows. It was perfect. After i brought all of my stuff into my room i wanted to go for a walk. I told my mom i was going out and she said she would text me when ots time to come home. I gtabed my ear buds, phone, and jacket and off i went. I was walking and right before i put my ear buds in i saw a tall  blonde haired boy sitting on a bench singing. I stood and stared at him like an idiot. He looked up and walked over to me and said "Hi im Jeffrey u must be new here.""Ya my names Katie." I said stupidly. "Do u like it so far?" He asked me. "Well i miss my friends and i dont no anyone here but besides that everythig is perfect." "Oh" he said. "Well, were ya headed to?" He asked me. "Just going for a walk." "Do you care if i walk with you?" He asked. "Sure." I said. We just started walking and talking next thig you no my phone buzzed. "Time to come home and unpack." "I gotta go home and unpack." I told Jeffrey. "Ok, give me your phone."  He said. "What are ypu doing?" I asked. "I put my number in ypur phone." He said. "Oh ok". After that he walked me back to my house. "Oh so your the family who bpught that house." He said. "Ya" i said stupidly. "I live right over there." He lointed to a big blue hpuse right across the street. "We should hang put sometime". He said. "Ya we should." I said. "Ill text you later." He said. "Ok bye". I said "bye". He said running over into his house. JEFFREYS POV

                 I ran into my house and ran up into my room. Omg, i thought she was gorgess. I texted her about an hour later.

(J=Jeffrey K=Katie)

J-hey ts Jeffrey


J-hows unpacking?

K - tiring


J-tomarrow do you wanna hang out?

K-ya i do what about 12ish?

J-sounds perfect

K-k ill see ypu tomarrow

J-i cant wait

-ends convo-

YESSSS I said outloud.


                   Unpacking is so tiring. I cant wait for tomarrow, i get to hang out with Jeffrey agian. "How was your walk?" My mom asked me. "Amazing." "Did u meet the Millers son? Oh whats his name agian?" "Jeffrey, ya i met him thats who im gonna hang put with agian tomarrow." "Ok sweetie well its gettig late and we had a pretty rough day so why dont you finish unpacking tomarrow." "Ok mom." After my mom walked put of my room i got ready and went to sleep dreaming of tomarrow.

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