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× a/n: this is an long overdue chapter. i'm sorry for the delay, once i lost the pending chapters for the story i lost the feeling to write first love again.. but i'm here to finish the story, hehe. again, i apologize. and also i want to thank everyone who supported & read this story 💚 ×

jihyo and yoongi are now busy with their group's schedule, which makes it harder for them to see each other often.

whenever yoongi is at korea, jihyo has japan schedule. and when jihyo is at korea, yoongi is in america.

three months passed by and still they haven't seen each other, but still communicates thru text & phone call. luckily, the two has holiday break which allowed them to stay at korea for almost two weeks.

yoongi fetched jihyo at the airport since he came home earlier than her, he sees her members and he went out of his car.

"Have a happy holiday, oppa!" dahyun says as she bid her goodbye,

"Enjoy and stay safe!" nayeon says.

the foreign line of twice went to their home countries, but mina made sure to remind yoongi that he should take care of her bestfriend.

jihyo hugged each of her members before coming near him, yoongi smiled and offered a hug.

he's aware of the cameras but he didn't care since he missed the younger.

"I missed you." jihyo whispers, yoongi inhaled her scent and nodded. "I missed you too." he says, jihyo broke the hug and smiled. signalling him to get inside the car.

he scrunched his nose and smiled again, "let's go."


yoongi and jihyo catched up with their lives as they drove back to daegu, where they first met.

it's a three hour drive from the airport, and jihyo excitedly told him "oppa! i have a surprise for you!"

yoongi smiled behind the steering wheel and asked what it is, "i took driving lessons, i already have a drivers license!" as she took out her ID, yoongi stepped on the brakes which made them jump on their car seats.

"yah!" jihyo shouted, which made yoongi apologize. "i'm sorry, i was surprised."

"aish, let me drive! you can take the next hour." jihyo annoyingly said, yoongi didn't say anything and just stopped the car on the side of the road.

once they're ready, yoongi apologizes again. "i know you were scared, i really am sorry. i'm just really shocked with your news."

"it's okay, i'm not mad either. i just took the chance to drive." jihyo says, cupping yoongi's cheeks and stuck her tounge out. "alright here we go!"

it's been a forty-five minute drive, the two just talked about their recent experiences from work.

"but hey, are you sure you're ready to go back?" yoongi asks, they're on a stoplight now so he grabbed her hands. interwined it with his and kissed her knuckles, jihyo shyly smiles. melting on his warmth, "yes."

yoongi smiled at her, removing their interwined fingers and let his left hand cup her cheek and she melted once again, closed her eyes missing the warmth of the older.


the two were surprised, yoongi looked behind him and jihyo doubled check the stoplight before driving.

they both chuckled once they realized what just happened, "i love you." he says,

"i do too."


jihyo let yoongi take a nap as he insisted to drive the next hour, she just hummed to the music while tapping her fingers in the steering wheel.

since they're both not officially dating yet, she wanted to formally ask him out.

it's part of her plan to go back to daegu as she wanted to prepare a song for him and ask if he could be her boyfriend.

she looked at the sleeping pale producer, didn't bother to wake him up for his turn to drive and decided to continue driving.

jihyo is concentrating on driving when yoongi woke up, realizing that they're halfway on his hometown.

yoongi sat up straight and called her, "yah! jihyo-ah!"

the younger was awaken with her deep thoughts and concentration with the older's call, "yes?" she says as she still drove,

"i told you to wake me up." he puffs his cheeks and sighed, "i don't wanna tire you out." he added,

jihyo looked at him and smiled, "it's okay, here we are." she says as she parked infront of a red gate, she stretched her arms and made herself comfortable in the car seat.

"i'm sorry i slept all throughout the ride." yoongi says, after he unbuckled his seatbelt and went to face the younger. she just nodded and gave him a smile, cupped his cheeks and kissed the tip of his nose. "you're tired, i understand."

yoongi is really grateful for jihyo's understanding and patient attitude, instead of waking him up she drove for three hours letting him rest. and he's thankful for it yet guilty, that's why he initiated to bring all their luggage.

soon, his parents came out of the house and greeted them. his mother ran towards his son and gave him a tight and warm hug, while jihyo bowed and offered a handshake to his father.

"jisoo?" he says, making yoongi's mother turn at her.

jihyo nodded, smiling at the name that is once hers.

ten votes for the next chapter hehe

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