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it's already in the evening, the min family let jihyo rest as she drove all the way. the younger was shy to rest but yoongi's mom persuaded her.

yoongi's parents allowed him and jihyo to sleep together at his room as the guest bedroom was turned into a yoongi shrine, which the son didn't complain about.

while jihyo was sleeping, he unpacked both of their clothes into his closet so it's easier for them to pick an outfit.

after unpacking, he helped his parents preparing the dinner.

then he realized, that maybe the reason why jihyo didn't let him drive is to let him spend more time with his parents.

"son, are you two dating?" his father asked him, yoongi shrugged.

"we go on dates when we have time, but we're not officialy together yet. aw! what was that for!" yoongi's father smacked his head for being a coward.

"ask her out!" his father says,

"i will, okay! i'm planning to ask her out when we get to her parent's place." yoongi says, the two men chatted about how will yoongi execute his plan.

fifteen minutes later, the lady min interrupted the two and pointed to jihyo. who just woke up.

jihyo smiled at the min family, then yoongi went beside her. "how's your nap?" he asks,

"it's good." she whispers, "did you unpack my luggage?" he nodded, letting her sit on the table since the food are already done.

"i'm sorry for not helping you prepare." jihyo says, bowing for forgiveness.

"it's alright, jisoo-ah." the lady min says, but was nudged by her husband and whispered "it's jihyo!"

jihyo shyly shook her hands and said, "whatever makes you comfortable calling me."

yoongi's parent smiled at her, and they started eating.

they mostly talked about yoongi's health and experience in their work, which jihyo didn't mind since she understands that they miss their son.

suddenly, all eyes are on her. which made her confused, "jisoo-ah, give yoongi a hard time okay?" his mom teased.

"hehe, i can't auntie.. he always takes care of me, he cooks for me and even teaches me few of his cooking!" jihyo praises, which made his parents happy and proud. "he always fetch and drops me for work, he oftens checks up on me as well. the only thing I can give back is to be a nice-" jihyo doesn't know how to end the sentence

since they both know that they're not official, yet.

yoongi cleared his throat, and says "i mean, i can't be ignorant right?" yoongi and his dad hi-fived each other. "that's my son!"

jihyo and yoongi looked at each other and gave a reassuring smile, which his parents noticed.


it's the morning, yoongi woke up with jihyo's face on his neck. which made him smile, the two first slept on both ends of the bed. but later that night they want each other's warmth and cuddled.

he loosen up his hug, kissed her forehead. which made jihyo smile and buried herself on him. he hugged her tighter and fell asleep again.

an hour passed and yoongi woke up again, jihyo is still asleep.

he decided to wake her up as he knows his mom prepared breakfast, he kissed her forehead and slightly loosen up the hug. "hey, sweetheart."

jihyo woke up, smiled at him and kissed the tip of his nose. "morning" she whispers, she slowly breaking off the hug for her to stretch.

yoongi kissed the top of her head and said, "i'll head out first, okay? when you're freshen up, join us outside." she smiled and nodded.

"oh, i was about to wake you up." the lady min said, "is she also awake?"

"yes, mom. she'll be out in a few." yoongi says as she kissed her mom in the cheek, "jihyo told me last night if it's okay to head out later?"

"ofcourse, do whatever you please." his mom says,

two minutes, and jihyo is already with them in the dining table.

she decided she'll do it today, why wait long when you can do it asap right?

jihyo told yoongi last night they'll be heading out today for a walk as she missed the hometown, but really the plan is to go to the playground they last saw each other before jihyo moved away, she'll play the instrumental from her phone and sing to him.

and now that she realized what is going to happen, she became nervous.

yoongi noticed that jihyo is ignoring him, after they finish cleaning the dishes and dining table. the two went inside the bedroom.

"hey, you okay?" he asked, making jihyo jump from shock. "y-yes, i'll take a shower first." she says, running towards the bathroom.

she sighed heavily, wanting to back out with her plan but also she really wants to do it.

"oh fuck!" she cursed when she heard yoongi knock, she breathed in and out before opening the door.

yoongi looked at her with concern eyes, "hey, are you pressured with my parents? i'm sorry, i shouldn't have brought you here." he says, jihyo shooked her hand and hugged him.

her tense body felt relaxed once she felt his warmth, "no, oppa. i'm okay. your parents are very welcoming and i don't feel pressured."

"then why are you ignoring me? and you're being jittery?" he whispers,

"i'm sorry, i-i just thought of our memories here and it made me spaced out that i unintentionally ignored you." she lies, slowly yoongi broke the hug and tuck her hair, which is in her face, behind her ear. he gave her a warm smile, "you sure?"

"yes," she once again kissed the tip of his nose, but yoongi pouted. pulling her into a passionate kiss.

jihyo can feel her cheeks heat up with the kiss, making her ran inside the bathroom again.

yoongi just smiled, and said "you forgot the towel!"


since the said playground is a fifteen minute walk, the two decided to just leave the car and appreciate the quiet neighborhood.

yoongi pointed at the cafe, and jihyo smiled. "let's grab ourselves a coffee & something to eat." she says, he smiled at her and nodded.

once they have what they needed, they walked again. and saw another store. jihyo pulled him inside, "you're aware that your luggage is already full?"

"yeah, and so?" she says and looked inside the store with their hands holding each other. yoongi shooked his head and just followed the younger.

"i don't need clothes." yoongi says, jihyo pulled a sweater and made him try it out. "come on, you always treat me." she says and grabbed the plastic from him, pushing him inside the fitting room and once he's inside,

"i'll buy it!" jihyo says, running towards the cashier and paid.

yoongi sighed, "don't use your money on me." jihyo stuck her tounge out and yoongi just rolled his eyes.

once they got out, they went to the playground.

"i remember playing with some of our friends here, can't forget when juhyeok pushed me in the slide." jihyo laughs while reminiscing, yoongi smiled.

"yeah, also the time when i fought with yonghwa because he ate my icecream." jihyo laugh louder with the memory, making yoongi laugh as well.

"and now i want icecream!" jihyo says, "well then, stay here and i'll buy you one. same flavor?" yoongi says, jihyo nodded.

she took this as a chance to prepare for the surprise, she's glad that yoongi is taking so long as she really is nervous.

last chapter: ten hours

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