Brainia- The Date Part 1

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Welcome back to part 2/1! This page will be representing the date.If you have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment!

I woke up and surprisingly I didn't have a bad dream.In fact I didn't have one at all, today is going to be the best day ever.I was sure of it, I felt it in my guts.

Today's the day of our date.Im still trying to work out why she accepted.I should be getting ready and I asked alex what to wear and she gave me these clothes, it's not exactly my style but I guess it will do for now.

Brainy wore a dark grey blouse shirt, with black trousers, he wore his normal shoes, and to complete his look a nice comfy jacket.

I had breakfast (which was waffles and a cup of coffee) I don't usually eat waffles but something, is making me want to eat them.I haven't had them since I was about nine.

I decided to watch a movie, because the date was in two hours.I decided to watch the curse.(I just made up this name, not sure if it's a actual movie or not.) Halfway through the movie I fell asleep.And when I woke up the movie was over and I heard a knock at the door.

I opened the door to let brainy in.We sat down at the couch as I turned the tv off.

"Uh nice outfit, doesn't really suit your style though." "Well, I decided to try something new for a change.And might I say you look drop dead gorgeous." "Drop dead?" I asked statistically, not knowing he would take it seriously. "Oh! I uhh- meant you look gorgeous! Sorry if I uh made you uncomfortable.." "It's alright I was being sarcastic." "Oh..I did not know that I am deeply sorry, but that's why I'm taking you out on a date!"
I grabbed my purse and we headed out the door, it was a 15 minute drive which I guess wasn't too long of a drive.But that didn't matter.

"Hey brainy, are we almost there?'' I asked. "We should be about 5 minutes and 37 seconds away, from where we are going." I just stared at the time on my phone, which is saying 12:36

I must Amit, I haven't been on a date for a long time.I always liked brainy but I never thought I would get a chance, to go on a date.Im glad he asked me.

A little while later when we get there
My heart was thumping, I have never been this excited in my life, I'm also a bit nervous but not as much as I was.

There we were, we both got out of the car and headed in.I was scared, well actually I was freaking out! What happens if she doesn't like me? What if I do something wrong? What will she say if I did so?
He kept on saying the same thing in his mind over and over again until..

Nia grabs brainys hand and locked it with hers, brainy didn't notice at first but when he did he noticed that Nias face was going red.

"Nia are you ok?" "Of course I'm ok why wouldn't I be ok?" "Well, it's just that your face looks very red, like a tomato who is about to explode." "Oh uh..never mind that! Omg lets go over here! This roller coaster looks like it would be, fun."

The rollercoasters name was bright fright rollercoaster.It was big but not massive nor huge.They both wondered why it was called that.
Little did they know the name was true..

Ok ima stop here, part 2 will be out in well, it depends when I start the thing and end it.Anyways hope y'all enjoy stay tuned for more! Please leave suggestions down below

To let me know what you would like to see next.Thats all for now baiii

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