My Angelic Witch~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☁️

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(Requested by: @Marcheese0628)
(A/N: I'm just gonna get straight to the point. Mostly aftercare, although there is some smut. Please enjoy as much as I did writing it, even though I felt awkward through most of it lmao.)

(Alastor's POV)

"Darling~..." I said, slowly running my fingertips up and down her bare arms. My lips close to her ear, her back to my chest, her body trapped in my arms. I could feel her shudder and sigh softly as I rocked us back and forth gently.

Sighs, moans, and groans filled the air as I rocked us back and forth gently. The room felt hot and steamy, our nude bodies pressed together tightly, sweat glistening across the skin.

(Y/n) moaned softly, my cheeks felt like they were on fire, my penis was being pleasured by her hot, slick walls. My pace quickening from the once slow and gentle thrusts, to hard and even more pleasurable.

I felt her walls clench around me, I gripped her wrists, likely leaving a bruise, keeping them pinned above her head with just one hand. My other hand was gripping her waist, squeezing her waist tightly and occasionally gently massaging the flesh.

My thrusting gave her a more pleasurable experience, as I felt her pelvis trying to thrust up to match my own thrusts. I held her down by the hand on her waist.

She moaned softly, her eyes screwed tight, her teeth softly biting her beautiful plump lips, her hair a tangled mess, and her soft panting breaths made me fall for her all over again.

I felt myself starting to tire as we both reached closer to our climax. I felt her walls squeezing tighter around my cock, my own hips sputtering their movement and I felt my sweet sweet awaited release.

I felt her cum around my cock, my own seed spilling into her as I humped her gently while finishing our climaxes.

After awhile, I finally pulled out and I collapsed next to her, gently picking her up lightly to cuddle her closer into my arms. She sighed contently, opening her eyes halfway to look up at me.

Those beautiful (e/c), they were what had caught my attention immediately the first time I met her. I sometimes still find myself getting lost in them.

She yawned, smiling up at me sleepily. She nuzzled my collarbone lightly before whispering a soft 'goodnight' and then falling right into a deep slumber. My soft smile widened, I kissed her forehead gently before shifting slightly to get more comfortable and then finally falling into slumber.


(Y/n)'s POV)

My eyes fluttered open, yawning quietly, I glanced up at the sleeping Alastor and smiled.

He looked so adorable, his fluffy hair a mess, his cute little chubby cheek that looked chubbier due to it being smushed on a pillow, his tiny wittle button nose... Overall, he just looked downright adorable.

That's when I was hit with a truckload of pain and panic. Ya know that feeling when you're not entirely sure where you are or what's going on? Well I had that. I had a brain fart and thought I was still in high school and I thought I was late. I knew it was Thursday now so I knew I had Arithmetics in the morning and I was about to have a panic attack wondering if I studied for the Science test or not, and another one for the fact I thought I was about to be late.

Then the truck load of pain on my lower limbs started, and you can imagine my anxiety on what would I do if I couldn't go to school because of the pain. I wondered what would I tell the teachers, I wondered how I was gonna have to make up for on this important test.

Then I had another brain fart. How was I gonna explain Alastor?!

Then I realised I'm in Hell and I don't have to go to school, and I've been in Hell for over 6 years now and I haven't been to school ever since I dropped out to try to pursue a failing YouTube career that I thought would pick up if I put more commitment into it ultimately leading me into being a depressed alcoholic and eventually killing myself in hopes of ending up into a better place, leading me into Hell instead.

So I went back to sleep.

(Y/n's POV)

I woke up again, this time because of Alastor booping my nose and playing with my hair.

I kissed his nose instead causing him to flinch cutely, while twitching his tiny nose.

I groan and roll over, curling up from the pain in my lower half, I hiss quietly while Alastor frantically sits up to look over at me.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just can't feel my legs dum dum." I said through clenched teeth.

Even through my protests, Alastor picks me up and takes me to the bathroom. He sits me down onto the sink and bends over to turn on the jacuzzi like bathtub's faucet. I got a good look of his back and his THICC ass. While Alastor was busy checking the water, I smacked da booty, causing him to yelp, before turning around to glare at me with a blush on his cheeks.

I just gave him a large grin in turn, causing him to roll his eyes at me before turning back to the water.

Once the tub was full, he gently picked me up and slowly put me into the warm and soothing water. I sighed in content as Alastor got in next to me, he then reached over to grab the shampoo. He squeezed some onto his hand and then soothingly rubbed it into my hair, making sure to be gentle and conscious of his sharp nails.

Eventually, after attempts of jokingly trying to drown each other in the bath, Alastor and I finally finished the soothing bath. Once Alastor picked me up from the tub, my pain was still there, but not as bad as before. We were in the bath for so long that the water had already gone cold, and that was the only reason we got out in the first place.

Once Alastor and I were dressed in comfortable clothing, he brought me into the game room to sit by the fireplace. Alastor laid his head on my lap as I brushed his long red and black hair while rubbing his ears and antlers gently. He purred under my touch, that and the fire crackling being the only audible sounds in the peaceful room.


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