My sweet darling deer. ⛈☁️♥︎

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(Requested by: @Rajwa_Alexa)

(Trope and ship (eg:___! Alastor x ___! Reader): Requested for a Alastor x Deer Demon! Reader, an angst. Trope added by me is fluff because otherwise I might make myself cry. For better understanding of what the request was, just read the oneshot.)
(A/N: I think I like writing the oneshots and requests like this better. Btw this is set in winter time.)

(Y/N's POV)

"W-wait, Al, please! C-calm down!" I said in disbelief, hesitantly having my arms up in defence while backing away from my lover.

Alastor had just come back from a fight with Vox. Alastor wasn't in his right mind. Alastor didn't mean to hurt me. He hadn't hurt me yet, but he was looking at me the way you might look at food when you're starving.

Alastor's cannibalistic tendencies were coming up and he was about to lash out on me.

I was so scared, I started to back away slowly while I stared at Alastor.

His eyes were radio dials, his horns, teeth, and claws sharper, he looked taller and thinner, he started to resemble the physique of a Wendigo.

I ran.

I could hear him coming after me. I could almost feel his breath on the back of my neck, I could almost feel it. My tears ran down my face, my heart was racing with the beat of my feet, my breaths were quick and laboured.

I ran into the woods. For the reason that, if I ran into the city, I could easily be slowed down by demons in my way, I could be trampled by them if they ran with me in fear of the Radio Demon on a rampage.

As these thoughts raced through my head, I failed to notice the whoosh of air behind me, as Alastor took a big swipe at my back. He missed luckily, but if I didn't miss that swipe I would've known to run faster, or at least dodge or jump to the side.

Alastor took another large swipe, this time hitting his mark.

He managed to get my side, his claw making a long and deep gash. The pain and realisation struck me as hard as his claw ripping my side open. It wasn't the physical pain that caused me to cry and heave harder, it was the emotional pain that hit the hardest.

He promised he would never hurt me, and I knew he wasn't in the right state of mind, but it still hurt.

I ran faster.

Eventually, somehow, I managed to get away from him by jumping into  a empty fox den. The opening was wide enough to fit my small frame, but wide enough that Alastor, Wendigo form or not, could not be able to get me out.

I sat there, huddled up far away from the opening. I held my hands to the gash in my sides, the silence was thick and threatening.

Quicker than I would have thought possible, Alastor's long clawed arm shot into the den and tried to grab me. I screamed, scrambling to get as far back as I could. I could feel the dirt pressing against my back, I curled my legs to be as close to my body as possible. Alastor's arm couldn't reach me, but I wasn't taking any chances.

Soon enough, Alastor had stopped his assault. I could still hear him outside, he was raging and was breaking trees. After awhile, I heard his commotion slowly fade off into the distance. I didn't bother leaving, because I knew what Wendigos can do. They manipulate sound. They mimic voices of loved ones to make them sound near, or far away. I wasn't putting it past him to be able to mimic that ruckus.

Eventually, I heard the pitter patter of rain, and the crashing of thunder as the night continued on.

(Alastor's POV)

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