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Pairing: El Desperado/FC

Category: Angst

Word Count: 579

Warnings: angst

"So confused, wanna ask if you love me" – California King Bed by Rihanna


If you were any further from him you'd be on the floor Desperado thought as he stared across the expansive bed to where you were curled up. When had things changed? It didn't seem like too long ago that the two of you were melded together while you slept. He missed it. He missed your soft body wrapped around him. Lately you had gone to bed before him and woken after. At first it didn't seem intention but as time dragged on he couldn't help but wonder.

Chest to chest

Nose to nose

Palm to palm

We were always just that close

Wrist to wrist

Toe to toe

Lips that felt just like the inside of a rose

So how come when I reach out my finger

It feels like more than distance between us

Unbidden his hand reached towards your slumbering body, falling short by more than a few inches making his shoulders slump as he realized just how far away you really were. Desperado slid across the bed in an effort to close the distance, reaching his arm out to encircle your waist. His heart sunk as you stiffened and immediately climbed from the bed, mumbling excuses about errands you needed to run.

He forced a smile as you leaned down to press a kiss to his lips, whispering sweet words of love before hurrying from the room. Desperado rolled onto his back wiping his hand down his face and stared at the ceiling fan making slow circles above him. When had it gone wrong? He wondered trying to pinpoint when you had started pulling away from him.

Just when I felt like giving up on us

You turned around and gave me one last touch

That made everything feel better

And even then my eyes got wetter

So confused wanna ask you if you love me

But I don't wanna seem so weak

Maybe I've been California dreaming

"I probably won't be home until dinner time," You called down the hallway. "You can take care of yourself right?" You didn't even wait for a response from him, making Desperado wince as the front door slammed in your wake.

One of the rare days he had off and was home to spend time with you and you were out the door at the earliest opportunity. Desperado climbed from the bed, padding towards the bathroom and starting a warm shower. As he stared at himself in the mirror Desperado saw resignation in his reflection. He already knew what it meant. You were drifting away from him and he was going to have to let you go.

After a long shower filled with contemplation and reflection Desperado dried off and walked towards the closet. Once dressed he grabbed his travel bag and he repacked the gear he had just taken out last night ignoring the wetness dripping down his cheeks. Swallowing hard he zipped up the bag and headed towards the front room. Scribbling a note to you he left it on the counter where you would see it as soon as you walked in and headed for the door pulling his phone out as he went.

"Hey Zacky it's me. Do you mind if I come stay with you for a few days? I don't think I can do this anymore" He asked as he closed the door on his relationship.  

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