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Pairing: El Desperado/FC

Category: Smut

Word Count: 949

Warnings: Oral sex. Some punishment, mentions of reluctance, spitting, lending of a sexual partner

 "I don't care whether you like it or not. Just take it." AND "I can't wait to taste you."


The mask was disconcerting. You had assumed; incorrectly it seems, that when the time came El Desperado would appear unmasked. Disconcerting yet exciting if you were being honest. The fact that you were about to be intimate with a man whose face you had never seen stoked fires in your breast. Just as quickly as those thoughts came you pushed them away. You weren't supposed to enjoy this. It was punishment. You had broken one of Minoru's rules and for that he was turning you over to Desperado to play with. Of all of the members of Suzuki Gun you couldn't help but wonder why Minoru had chosen Desperado. The masked man had made no secret of his dislike of you.

He made no move to approach you, simply leaning insolently against the doorframe making you wonder if you were supposed to be doing something aside from sitting naked in front of him. You started to move towards him, stilling as he raised his hand in a stop gesture that had you sinking back into your chair.

"Spread your legs." He finally spoke gesturing towards you with a lazy movement of his hand. "I want to see how wet you are thinking about fucking me."

Reluctantly your legs spread knowing exactly what he was going to see. His derisive chuckle as he saw the glistening slick between your thighs made you cringe. You hated that you wanted him; almost as much as you hated him for making you want him. You averted your eyes as he approached looking everywhere but at him until his hand grasped your hair and twisted it around his fist, forcing you to meet his eyes. You flinched back, going nowhere due to his hold, as he spit into your face. The warm spittle dribbled down your cheek as he stared down at you.

"MiSu always talks about how sweet your cunt tastes." He said conversationally pulling you to your feet and pressing his lips to your cheek. "I can't wait to taste you. See for myself." You shuddered at the words mumbled into your face, feeling another rush of dampness as Desperado told you exactly how he was going to make you cream. Spinning you away from him Desperado shoved you towards the bed with instructions to bend over the end. Behind you the rustling of Desperado stripping had you peeking over your shoulder and gasping as you admired his naked form, his thickness a contrast to Minoru's long lean body.

You watched his approach in a mixture of anticipation and apprehension wondering what Desperado had in store for you. Yes he talked of eating you out until you came all over his tongue, but you were very aware this was supposed to be a punishment so you couldn't help but be wary. The apprehension flew from your mind as Desperado knelt behind you, hands grasping your ass and spreading you open as he ordered you to bend over more fully exposing your pussy to his seeking tongue. The first stroke had you gasping, fingers curling into the satin bedspread beneath you hold growing tighter as Desperado continued his onslaught. Tongue stiffened he rubbed it along your folds, darting into your hole and back out again to tease over your clit as you moaned into the sheets. You rocked back against his tongue crying out with each stroke as he masterfully worked you over. Desperado's fingers dug into your cheeks as he pulled you to his face, holding you in place as he plundered his tongue in and out of your pussy. With a scream you came with his tongue buried deep inside you, shivering as he licked your sensitive flesh gathering every drop his tongue could reach before rising to his feet and smacking you hard on the ass.

"Fun times over. For you at least." He said with a grin as he walked over to his bag by the door. You watched with wide eyes as he pulled out his signature black leash. "Now it's punishment time."

You scurried onto the bed, backtracking until you ran into the headboard as Desperado approached with the thick black collar in hand. You would have to be deaf not to hear the stories of Desperado's escapades with that leash. They were things of legends. Legends you wanted nothing to do with.

Grabbing you by the ankle Desperado dragged you back down the bed and settling himself between your thighs. He quickly secured the collar around your neck a bit too snugly for comfort smirking as you tugged uselessly at it.

"What's the matter sweetheart? Don't like being chained like the bitch you are?" Desperado teased making you glare up at him.

"No I don't like it." You snapped.

"I don't care whether you like it or not. Just take it." Desperado said. "This isn't about what you like. I followed Boss's instructions and let you cum once. That's all you're getting."

Dread settled over you as you realized any kindness on Desperado's part had been out of respect to Minoru and now that he felt he had satisfied that requirement, you were going to be in for a long night. A strangled gasp left your throat as Desperado jerked you with the leash sending you flying forward onto your stomach and laying prone before him.

"Now it's time for me to play." He laughed sending chills down your spine as you stared up at him.  

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