Chapter 11: Drunken Mistakes

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Maya POV
I woke up with a big ass headache. I got out of bed and saw I was nake. I put on my robe and limped to the bathroom to get something for my head. After I something for my head I woke Amare up but it wasn't Amare.

Maya: What the fuck happened last night
Malachi: I don't know. Why I'm nake?
Maya: I don- god my gosh did we f-
Malachi: I guess we did
Maya: No no no
Malachi: *simles* I bet you was screaming my name.
Maya: Shut the fuck up. Did u use a condom?
Malachi: I don't know
Maya: What do you know
Malachi: shit nothing was drunk.
Maya: What if you didn't use a condom, I could be pregnant.
Malachi: That ain't bad
Maya: yes it is, I have a fiancé.

I pick up my phone and called Amare. He didn't answer, so I called him again. He still didn't answer.

Maya: Fuck, pick up *Calls Amare*

I called and text Amare a thousand times and he didn't answer. I called Eva see what happen last night.

Eva: Hello
Maya: What the fuck happen last night.
Eva: Girl, I don't know. I was drunk than a bitch. But I did see you leave with Malachi.
Maya: I'm being calling he haven't pick up
Eva: He pulled you out the club and you came back in and he left I guess.
Maya: Fuck. Thank you
Eva: No problem
Maya: Bye
Eva: bye
I hang up the phone.

Maya: You going to have to leave
Malachi: ight *gets up and put his clothes on*
Maya: Bye
Malachi: Bye *kiss Maya*

I push him way.

Malachi: Dang it like that
Maya: yea

He left and I look at my Instagram story and saw everything that happen. I can't believe I did all that. I called Amare one more time and he still didn't answer. I got up and got in the shower and got dress. I put on an oversized AC/DC shirt on and some black biker shorts and some red crocs. I put my hair in a mess bun. I called Amare again and still no answer. I decided to go pick up Monét from Monique, so I call her to let her know I'm on the way.

On the phone with Mother in law😄👩🏽‍🦱
Monique: Hello
Maya: Hey, I'm about to pick up Monét.
Monique: oh umm Amare didn't tell you.
Maya: Tell me what
Monique: He picked her up last night.
Maya: oh. Do you know where Amare is.
Monique: No but he look he was mad when he got Monét.
Maya: Oh ok.
Monique: What happened
Maya: I don't know. I was drunk.
Monique: I saw you on Instagram.
Maya: Umm I don't know what I was think then.
Monique: Did you do something you regret?
Maya: Yes *start to cry*
Monique: It's ok we all make mistakes.
Maya: But mines is big.
Monique: I know
Maya: I'm sorry
Monique: You don't have to apologize.
Maya: yes I do, I sleep with so one that wasn't Amare
Monique: You was drunk
Maya: But
Monique: no but
Maya: ok *cry more*
Monique: Come down sweet heart.
Maya: o-o-o-k-k-ok
Monique: I will call Amare and see where he is.
Maya: ok
Monique: Come to my hotel room.
Maya: ok
Monique: bye
Maya: bye
I hang up the phone up.

I wiped the tears off my face and grabbed my keys and went to Monique's hotel.

Monique POV

On ft with Mel Mel💕💕
Amare: *in a sleep voice* hello
Monique: Where are you
Amare: at dads house *gets up*
Monique: Where's Monét
Amare: Right here sleep *turns camera around and show Monét sleep. Turns camera back around*
Monique: Why haven't you pick up Maya's calls.
Amare: Because ion want to
Monique: Why
Amare: She made me mad.
Monique: ok. Come over here.
Amare: Why
Monique: So I can spend time with my son and granddaughter.
Amare: ok
Monique: bye
Amare: bye
I hang up the phone

I had to trick Amare or he wouldn't have come. My phone ring, it was Brooklyn.

On the phone with Brooklyn
Monique: Hello
Brooklyn: Mom did u see Maya on Instagram
Monique: Yea
Brooklyn: is Amare mad at her
Monique: yes
Brooklyn: oh, she must was really drunk.
Monique: I guess she was.
Brooklyn: Does that mean the wedding off.
Monique: hopefully not.
Brooklyn: I have to go bye
Monique: bye
She hang up the phone.

There was a knock on the door. I got up and open the door, it was Maya. She look worried and she her eyes was red.

Maya: Hey
Monique: hey *hugs Maya* come in.

She came in.

Monique: You can sit down.

She sat down on the bed.

Maya: I'm sorry
Monique: Don't apologize to me, apologize to Amare.

She was quite and then start to cry. I give her some tissue and she wipes her tears away. There was a knock at the door I open the door and it was Amare. He walked in and turned around.

Maya POV
Maya: Amare please talk to me
Amare: no

He turn around to the door but Monique blocked him. He turn back around. He had on basketball shorts,a Tupac shirt on, and rainbow crocs. He had Monét in his hands.

Amare: What
Maya: I'm sorry

Monique got Monét out of Amare's hand.

Monique: Lets go for a walk and leave mommy and daddy to talk.

She walked out the room.

Maya: Please forgive me
Amare: Why should I
Maya: *tears in her eyes* because you love
Amare: Who said I love you

I busted out crying.

Amare: You cheated on me with your ex.

I could see the hurt in his eyes.

Maya: I know and I'm sorry for that. Please we can work it out.
Amare: I don't know
Maya: What
Amare: I think we should take a break.

A/N "We were on a break" 😂 Only friends fans will get it.

Maya: no no no
Amare: I can't do this

I got down on my kness and grabbed his hand.

Maya: please no, I can't live with out you.

Amare took the engagement ring off my finger and walked out the room. I got up and wiped my tears off my face. Monique walked in the room with Monét.

Maya: I have to go
Monique: I will watch Monét for you

I walked out the door and went to my car and went home. Once I got home I sat on the couch and stared off to space. I was in my bad thoughts. Something told me to get a knife and cut myself and I did just that. I stood with blood coming off my arm into the bathroom sink. I cut more, it help numb the pain. I looked at myself in the mirror, I look terrible. I ran water on the blood in the sink and wrapped my arm up. People say love hurts and they are right.

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