[ 1 ] Speed Master ✨

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[ Sonic the Hedgehog x Reader ]

(Y/n) Your Name

(N/n) Your Nickname

"Come on (Y/n), hurry up!" the azure hero, Sonic the Hedgehog, yelled after you as you struggled to run up a hill.

"Oh shut up you speed junky," you smirked, wheezing as you reached the top of the hill.

"Wanna take a break?" Sonic chuckled, handing you a water bottle. You snatched the bottle from his hand, sticking your tongue out at him before opening the bottle and chugging the cold liquid. You let out a satisfied sigh as the last of the water slid down your throat. You tossed the empty bottle into a nearby recycling bin and leaned against a bench.

"Man, I'm beat," you groaned, stretching out your aching muscles.

"Oh come on, (N/n)! We just got started," Sonic whined. You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, an hour ago, Sonic. I'm not as athletic as you are mister," you groaned. "I'm tired now, you can keep running if you want." Sonic crossed his arms, pouting. You arched your 'eyebrow' towards the azure boy. "Pouting ain't gonna make me change my mind," you said, jabbing him in the ribs.

Sonic squirmed, trying not to crack a smile. He sat down beside you, his face angry. You tried getting him to look at you, but every time you scooted closer Sonic would turn farther away.

"No talk, me angry," Sonic puffed. You snorted, shaking your head.

"Sonic, don't be like that," you sighed, smacking his shoulder as you stood up. "Up! Let's continue running."

"Really?!" Sonic beamed, shooting up like a bottle rocket. "I knew you wouldn't quit (Y/n)!"

Once more you and the azure boy took off running, but this time Sonic slowed down enough to run beside you. As the two of you ran, you chatted about small things, not really paying attention to your surroundings.

"Hey, the last one to that try up there has to buy ice cream for the other," you challenged.

"You're on," Sonic grinned. You both readied yourself. Three...two...one...Go! Bolting ahead you actually managed to gain some length from the hedgehog. "Whoa, hey!" Sonic called after you, picking up his pace. You laughed, turning around to smirk triumphantly at the hedgehog behind you, only to suddenly fall face down in the hard dirt.
"(Y/n)!" you heard Sonic yell after you as your vision doubled and spun around.

"Oh chaos," you gasped, squeezing your eyes shut to try and make the spinning stop. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you and hoist you up. Slowly, you opened your eyes to meet a pair of emerald ones full of worry.

"(Y/n)! Please talk to me! How many fingers am I holding up?!" Sonic bombarded you with a million questions that only made your head spin more.

"Sonic please stop talking," you winced. Sonic paused, looking down at you.

"Sorry," he whispered, his ears drooping down. You smiled, nudging the hedgehog's cheek with your hand.

"Hey, don't look so sad. Where's that cocky hero smile I like so much?" you smiled. Slowly the corners of Sonic's lips curled into a smile. "That's better," you giggled, ruffling his quills.

"(Y/n), I am so sorry. I should've been there to catch you," Sonic sighed. You waved your hand dismissively towards the hedgehog.

"Sonic, I fall all the time, you can't always be there to catch me," you pointed out.

"Yeah, but I can try," Sonic smirked. You rolled your eyes.

"What am I going to do with you?" you joshed.

The two of you sat in silence for a moment. It was at this time, that you finally realized Sonic still had you cradled in his lap.

"Uhh, Sonic, you can let go of me now," you said, trying to pry yourself free from the hedgehog.

"Nope," Sonic's grip on you became tighter as he rose to his feet. "I've got to carry my (N/n) to make sure they don't hurt themself again."

"Sonic put me down," you whined, your face growing redder by the second.

"Nope~" Sonic sang. "Now let's go get ice cream!!"

A small smile grew on your lips as the azure hero carried you away.

What are you going to do with him?

[ I hope you enjoyed the story !!!]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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