Chapter 1

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Closing my mom's car's trunk- which I'd have to drive back after unpacking, then take the bus back to campus- I huffed and blew a strand of my silver hair out of my eyes. I finally packed everything I'm bringing to my dorm. Getting into the car, I turned the key and started the engine.

Turning on some music and rolling down the window to enjoy the nice August breeze, I started toward Yokohama University. It's my second year, and I'm going to my dorm for the first time today. All I can think about is who my roommate is going to be. Last year my roommate was Junichiro, who became a good friend of mine. Hopefully this year's roommate will follow the same pattern.

YHU was only a 25 minute drive from my parent's house, so I arrived pretty quickly. Today was the first day that students were allowed to move in to their dorms, and surprisingly not many people were here. I found a parking space outside of my building and turned off my car. The line for room keys was short, and I only spent five minutes waiting.

I went back to my car and grabbed some of my stuff, choosing to take the stairs instead of wait in the elevator line. My dorm was on the second level, so it wasn't terrible. I reached room 206 and placed my boxes on the floor. I pulled out my key and unlocked the door, picking the boxes back up and moving them into the room.

The room was quite nice. From the door, there was a window directly ahead of me that had a nice view of the campus. The room itself was a decent size. There was a bathroom with a shower, toilet, and sink in the back corner of the room. This would be my first year with my own bathroom, and I was not complaining since communal bathrooms are quite disgusting. On the wall to the left there was a dresser, bed, and desk. On the right wall was the same setup.

There's no roommate in sight, and I'm not sure if that's good or bad. I decided I want the side on the left, and walked over to it. I took off the backpack on my shoulder and placed it on the bed. Then I opened the boxes I brought up and started unpacking the one filled with my clothes. I started moving them into the dresser next to my bed, but then I remembered I still had some stuff to bring up.

I didn't bother locking the door as I left the building and grabbed more of my stuff. When I was done bringing it all into the dorm, I once again began unpacking. I put my clothes in the dresser and the closet I claimed. I didn't bring much since I figured if I forgot anything I could just run out to the Target near campus.

I put my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash on one of the shelves in the shower and placed my toothbrush and toothpaste on the sink. I placed all of my notebooks and stationary on my desk and made my bed with the white and grey striped comforter and matching pillowcases I bought.

When I was done unpacking and settling in, it was around 1:30. I was quite hungry, so I decided to stop by the dining hall for some lunch. I locked my room, walked down the short flight of stairs, and left the building. The dining hall was pretty close to my dorm, so it only took a moment to get there. I bought a grilled cheese and a sweet tea and sat at a window seat.

As I took a bite into my simple lunch a figure approached me from the corner of my eye. I turned and saw my good friend Kyouka. She had a bright smile on her face. Kyouka is like a little sister to me. She's been a good friend of mine for some years now.

"Hey Sushi!" She waved and sat across from me.

"Hey Kyouka! I didn't know you were going to move in today!" I smiled.

"Well I was planning on doing it tomorrow but I had free time today. Have you finished unpacking? Ooh! Have you met your roommate yet?"

"I unpacked everything, and not yet. They'll probably wait a couple days to move in. Did you meet yours?"

"Yeah! Her name is Lucy. She seems pretty nice! Speaking of, I'm actually picking up some lunch for us, but I had to say hi. I'll see you around Sushi!" She got up and waved before walking to the exit. I smiled and waved goodbye as well.

I finished my meal and started back to my dorm. When I got on the second floor I saw the door next to mine open. Walking closer I saw a tall brunette holding a box and bickering with someone inside the room. I immediately recognized him.

"Hey Osamu!" The bickering paused and Osamu turned to me.

"Oh hey Atsushi! Do you live on this floor too?"

"Yeah, I'm actually the room right next to yours!"

"Osamu! You bastard! If you don't hand me that box I'm going to kick your face in!" The random person inside the dorm yelled. Osamu smirked but handed the box over to them.

"Oh Atsushi! This is my roommate Chuuya!" Osamu grabbed said Chuuya's shoulders and pulled him out of the room. He was a short redhead with blue eyes and a stylish hat. I smiled and waved.

"Hi Chuuya! I hope I get to know you better this year," I greeted.

"As long as you aren't a dipshit like Mackerel over here we'll get along fine."

"That's not very nice Chibi! I'm hurt."

"Tch. Whatever. See you around Atsushi." With that Chuuya went back into the room. Osamu smiled at me and followed after. The second the door closed they immediately started bickering again. This will be fun.

I unlock my door and walk in, surprised to see bags and objects that weren't here earlier. With these belongings was a man, not much taller than me. His hair was black, with white tips at the tips of his bangs. His eyes were a piercing grey, and his figure was on the frailer side.

"O-Oh hi! I'm Atsushi. I guess I'm your roommate." I smiled at the man, trying my best to be friendly and polite.

"Ryuunosuke. Don't bother me." He simply grunted. I was kind of at a loss at his response, but didn't want to be hated by my roommate after our first interaction.

"Umm, okay..." I spoke, walking over to my bed and plopping down on it. I grabbed my laptop and opened it on my lap. I glanced over at Ryuunosuke's side of the room. He hadn't fully finished unpacking, but from what I could tell he likes the color black.

I returned my gaze to my laptop, deciding to read some manga. Ryuunosuke continued unpacking his stuff for the next half hour or so, before finally unpacking everything. He laid down and put in his earbuds. He rested his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. He looked rather peaceful like this. I hope he's normally this peaceful.

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