Spine V [Jimin's Encounter]

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Y/N closed the door as she got out the van. Her systems were flashing red as her new battery barely lasted.

She stumbled towards the charging station by the motel.

The green and rather dull tones of this side of Old Seoul contrasted against the station's bright blue and stark white.

She held onto her middle as the flashing became even more prominent.

She took another two steps and fell forward. She extended her hand and touched the platform. The entire sidewalk was suddenly faded into a set of rows containing code.

Y/N started to readjust the changes. The attendant's systems were quite different from hers. She could see the new and old get mixed and pulled apart as she tried to rebuild herself.

A small row had missing code.

Y/N almost panicked before noticing the row itself. It was rather different.

Y/N stayed silent as the rest of the boys ate.

Her new "self" was starting to feel uncomfortable. The legs would, every once in a while, bend the wrong way. Her inner sensors were slightly glitchy. Everything was slightly off.

She looked around. The atmosphere was not awkward nor tense. The boys were completely fine. Almost as if the incident at the gas station didn't happen.

They had all woken up after about an hour. Y/N had pulled over by a resting area just so they could freshen up. The atmosphere inside the van was tense then, but when they arrived South, it all seemed to melt away.

Y/N's eye started twitching. She covered her eye with her hand.

As the conversation kept on going, Y/N tried to slowly leave the table. As she stood up, her leg bent the wrong way. She caught herself before falling. She felt someone holding her arm.

She looked to the side and saw Jungkook. She swallowed and wiggled her arm away.

She turned her head, only to see the rest of the boys up and worried.

"I'm in full working order," Y/N said before Jimin asked.

She held her leg and locked it back in place.

"What about the eye?" Namjoon said.

"If you'll excuse me. I do need to fix some issues in my outer structure." Y/N said as she walked quickly towards the parking lot and into the van.

She closed the door and sat on the front row of seats. She shook her head in frustration.

She held her head in her hands as she tried to keep composure. Which was something entirely new to her in the first place.

The van's door slowly opened. Y/N extended her arms and moved her leg around, trying to cover up her so-called feelings.

She heard a sigh and a door closing. Whoever was inside sat down next to her and relaxed.

"Replacements are hard." She heard Namjoon's voice.

Y/N stood straight and looked to the side.

"Just like humans, androids reject certain body parts," Namjoon said as he looked at Y/N.

But I didn't want to die....

"Look, we have a friend here who builds android parts." He said. "Maybe he can get you fixed up."

Y/N nodded stiffly.

"Jimin is really worried." He said with a small smile.

Y/N blinked a couple of times.

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