Chapter 01 - V.2

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This is the second version, which has also been discontinued. Feel free to ignore this version completely and read the new version instead(when it comes out).

"All right, then..." Izuku mumbled, his voice shaking as he looked over the edge of the building he stood upon. Quickly backing away because of how high it was, unease settling in the pit of his stomach, the boy continued speaking to himself in an attempt to calm himself down. "This is scarier than I thought it'd be," he chuckled nervously, his words completely unhelpful. "Okay... I'm fine, this is fine, this is what I want... All I've got to do is... Jump, and then it'll be over. Right," he declared, "I'm doing it."

Yes, Midoriya Izuku is depressed. He's sick of being bullied for something completely outside his realm of control, something that, admittedly, makes him a minority, but no less human. It's something he never expected as a child, to be Quirkless. When he was young he didn't even know of the possibility that someone could never develop a Quirk, let alone him. He had been determined to be a hero, and he couldn't do that without a Quirk.

And today, he was the lowest he's ever been. It had been a shitty day for him; he had been the laughingstock of his class, all because of his desire to get into UA's Hero Course; Bakugou had used his explosion Quirk on his thirteenth "Hero Analysis for the Future" notebook, then proceeded to throw it out the window and into the koi pond below, and topped it all off by telling Izuku to kill himself.

"If you really want a Quirk so bad, why don't you pray for one in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building!"

Those words had hurt him, Izuku wouldn't deny it. Those words from his former friend and current-day bully... Had truly hurt him. He knew it was stupid to let it get to him, he knew he shouldn't have expected anything less from Bakugou, he knew he should've been aware that that's how the blonde felt about him, he should've seen this day coming... But he hadn't.

And the pain he had felt was unlike anything he had felt before, even stronger than what he felt when he learned of his Quirklessness.

So, yes, Izuku did and does, want to die.

And his desire to leave the world of the living was only amplified by All Might's words mere minutes ago.

"It's okay to dream, kid, just make sure your dreams are attainable."

"So, no, I can't say that I believe you can become a hero without a Quirk."

Izuku knew. He knew it was impossible, a silly dream that he'd have to get over, but... Hearing All Might — hearing his idol — say those words... It broke something inside of him far beyond repair. But the way All Might had told him that he could never become a hero... It made everything so much harder for him. So, so much harder.

Because no matter how much he wanted to and how much he tried... Izuku couldn't bring himself to hate the number one hero. His voice had held no malice, he very clearly wished for Izuku to find a place where he felt he belonged, a place where he felt happy, a place where he felt useful. And all that is what made things so much harder. If he could hate All Might, it would've been so much easier... He could blame it all on him, he could tear down his posters, break his figurines, and throw them all away...

But then what? What would he do next? Live in misery, doing absolutely nothing of his hatred towards All Might? Or would he become a villain, forever attempting at taking the man's life?

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