Original Version

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[Chapter One]

"All righty then," Izuku mumbled. He looked over the edge of the building he stood upon, quickly backing away because of how high it was. "This is scarier than I thought it'd be... heh," he chuckled nervously. Who was he talking to? Himself, of course, it calms him down... usually. "Okay, uh, just gotta... jump... and then it'll be over, right?" He asked himself lowly, carefully creeping back to the edge. Yes, he's depressed. Yes, he's sick of always being bullied for something he can't control. Yes, he wants to die... or at least, that's what he thought.

Being moments away from possible death can really change someone's mind about it, though.

Doesn't change the fact that this has been a shitty day for the green-haired boy. He had been the laughing stock of his school- well, it was just his class, really, but the dramatics bring his point further across. That's not all, though, his thirteenth "Hero Analysis for the Future" notebook was nearly destroyed and thrown out the window, and he was even told to kill himself by the only friend he's ever had.

Again, that's not all. Psh, you think that alone would cause him to kill himself? Well, maybe, but the thing that pushed him to attempt this - or attempt to attempt this -, was when All Might told him he couldn't be a hero. His voice held no malice, his words were all of good intent, and his soft smile before he left told Izuku that he hoped that he would find some place in the world. A place where he'd be happy, a place where he'd feel useful.

But all of that made it worse, because no matter how hard he tried... he couldn't hate the number one hero. If he could hate him, it would've been so much easier, he could blame it all on All Might. He could tear down his posters, break his figurines, throw them all away... but then what? What would he do next? Live in misery, doing nothing of his hatred towards All Might? Or would he become a villain, forever attempting at taking the man's life? Either way, Izuku assumed he would fail.

After all, he is Deku.

Useless, defenseless, unworthy, quirkless Deku.

Sighing, Izuku was about to step down from the edge and put his shoes back on, but then, before he could move any more, there was a loud explosion from not too far away. It startled Izuku enough for him to fall backwards to his doom, and everything seemed to go in slow-motion.

He could hear nothing except for the pounding of his heart, and his heavy, panicked breathing going slower than he was comfortable with.

All he could feel was the pressure of the air pushing heavily all over him, but mostly on his back.

All he could smell was the normal city scent; his mind no longer registering it as anything important.

He could see the top of the building, where he fell from, but it was creeping away slowly.

He reached to it, his arms moving slow and his eyes widening as he realized that he would never reach it.

Izuku's thoughts were running faster than ever, but he could focus on only one at the moment.

I'm gonna die!

And then, his mouth opened uselessly, and he tried to push out a scream, but no sound left. Tears flew from his eyes, he left a trail of them as he fell, and they very slowly followed him.

Maybe it was because he still seemed to be going in slow-motion, but he could see a rainbow in the trail of tears. It looked so beautiful.

And suddenly, as the edge of the building left his vision, everything returned to normal speed.

Revolutionary || Vigilante Izuku AU [ON HIATUS - BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now