All in the dreams

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Meanwhile in Emily's dream...
**Emily's point of view**
I'm walking down a hall there's smoke. Then all of the sudden there is a bee following me.
"What do you want?" I yelled.
It just kept flying next to me and minding its own business when all of the sudden a dark shadow appeared out of the smoke. the bee went crashing to the floor tiles.
"No!!!! Arnold!!!! You monster!!" I yelled at the dark figure.
The figure moved closer and closer.
Until a guy appeared. he wasn't a stranger at all.
"No neck?!" I screamed. His face grew mad.
"Don't call me no neck!" He started to slowly morph into a thumb.
"HERES THUMBKIN" He yelled, running towards me.
"Arnold lets go!" I shriek, grabbing the bee by the wing. We manage to escape.

Meanwhile in Sam's dream....
*Sam's Point of view*
I'm in my old room, sitting with my friends. I've tried telling my mother that they're real, but she doesn't believe me. Emily says she believes me, but I think she just feels bad for me. I was supposed to take my medication, but then Henry (my friend) would go away. Emily is sitting on my bed, beside Henry.
"Henry that was hilarious!" I start to laugh at his joke. Emily is looking at me awkwardly and she gets up. All of a sudden, a doctor comes in and injects her with some sort of medicine. Her eyes roll in the back of her head and she falls limp into his arms.
"She'll have no control.." The man, said carrying her out. Emily no. What do I do? I look at Henry, but he's no longer there. I'm completely alone.

Hope and Justin are walking around the woods until they hear the sound of a gunshot close by. Hope started to freak out.
"Wh...what are we gonna do?" She whispered.
Justin pulled them behind a big bundle of bushes. Hope started to speak, but Justin shushed her and held her mouth, while looking through the bushes. He saw a light from a flashlight, and a French policeman behind it. He was speaking into his pager, and was walking towards the bush with his loaded gun in his hand. Justin looked around and he picked up a rock. He threw it as far as he could, and the policeman turned his bright light towards the sound and ran towards it, his gun ready.
"Go!" Justin whispered, pushing Hope urgently. Hope got up and ran as fast as she could, with Justin behind her. Her heart was beating violently, but they soon made it out of the woods and onto the path leading towards the asylum.
"Ready?" Justin asked Hope, looking into her eyes.
"Ready." Hope said, grabbing his hand. They walked to the back of the building and Hope looked confused.
"How are we going to get in without being caught?"
"Well there's a back door. I could try picking the lock." Justin said, walking towards the door. After what seemed like 5 minutes, the door unlocked. He turned around and looked at Hope.
"Look, it's going to be kind of dangerous in there, since they know we've escaped... If anything happens to me, just find the others and leave." he said while grabbing her hands. Hope looked terrified but nodded slowly.
"Please, please be careful in here, and don't get distracted!" Justin said worriedly, but managed a laugh. Hope smiled and gave him a hug as an agreement. After pulling away from the hug, they didn't let go of each other. Justin slowly moved closer to her and softly kissed her, making her face turn red. Before he could say anything, he opened the door and they snuck inside.

They went to a small corner where the cameras wouldn't see them.

"Okay I know you are not gonna like this plan but it's probably the only way to keep everyone safe. We have to spit up." Justin said with a alerting voice.

Hope looked at him and without thinking she nodded her head in response. They decided that Justin would take the halls that had the most nurses watching since Hope was such a klutz she couldn't even stand still without falling on her face.

They hugged each other and said their goodbyes in case anything were to happen, and went their separate ways.

Hope was on halls happy, excitement, and sunshine. She didn't want to know the names out of the fact that they were all full of false hope. She could tell that it was not going to be a good expedition.
She got to the first door and saw a picture of two girls holding hands while they were watching a bunny rabbit hop into a stream. At the bottom it was signed by a child named dotty. Hope peered into the glass. The bed was empty and it appeared to be as if no one was in the room. Until and little girl popped up in the window.
"Hi, I'm dotty!!!!" She yelled.
Hope jumped away from the door out of fear. She fell to the ground behind a old wheelchair that had the name Josiah carved into it. She knew that whoever the guy named Josiah was wasn't alive anymore. Dotty grabbed the metal bars on the door and started to shake them. Hope got up quickly and started to shush her so no nurses would come.
"Dotty please stop.. I'm Hope and I'm looking for a girl and a boy. Could you tell me if you saw them?" Hope asked, looking through the bars at the creepy little girl.
"Yeah! I saw a boy with handcuffs get led into a small room down the hall! Have you seen my bunny?" Dotty replied with a big grin on her face.
"Sam! Thank you Dotty! And no, I'll look for your rabbit though. I'll see you later!" Hope smiled and then ran down the hall. Dotty waved and then looked down, seeing that she was standing on her rabbits neck, that was now broken.
Hope ran to the door that was on the end of the hall and looked inside. There, laying on a table, was indeed Sam. Hope tried turning the knob and then realized she needed a name badge or a key to get in the room. A lightbulb went off In her head. She ran back to Dotty.
"Dotty, I need you to scream, but do not tell the nurses anything about me!" Hope said, and then hid in a small closet. suddenly, all you hear is Dottys earbursting scream and then a nurse came running.
"What's wrong?!" The nurse panicked.
Hope grabbed a mop out of the closet and then jumped out. She hit the nurse in the face with the mop handle and then she swung, hitting the nurse in the back of the head. The nurse fell to the ground with a thud, becoming unconscious. Hope quickly grabbed her name badge, and then dragged the nurse into Dotty's room.
"Watch her for me. Don't let her go." Hope said to Dotty and then ran back to the room, unlocking Sam's door. She yanked the IV out of his arm and then sat him up, patting his face.
"Sam wake up! Sam please hurry please get up!" Hope was shaking him. His eyes started to twitch. Hope pulled her hand back and slapped him hard. His eyes opened slowly.
"Hope? W-where's Emily?" Sam said weakly, looking around.
"We gotta go find her! Can you stand?" Hope asked. Sam got up and then fell to the ground.
"I'll take that as a no... One sec. " Hope came back in the room with the old wheelchair And then helped Sam get in.
"Let's go find Justin" Hope said, wheeling Sam.

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