The Siren

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The next morning everybody was dead
asleep; when all of the sudden... A loud ringing sounded over and over again.
Emily rose up quickly "make it stop!!!! Make it stop!!!!" She yelled.
Hope was the next person up. "Emily stop snoring!!!! It's in my ear!!!!" She yelled. the ringing continued. she opened on eye to see that Emily was staring at her wide awake. she had twigs and leaves in her hair.
"What is that noise???" Hope asked.
"I don't know but it wasn't me I promise!!" Emily yelled back.
About ten minutes of the sirens the guys finally woke up.
"About time...." hope said.
The guys were half asleep until the next round of the sirens.
"We need to go and see what that is...." Justin said.

Everyone rose up from the spots where they had laid the night before and started to walk to the street. they saw a big crowd of people crowded around a man standing in front of a podium.

"nessuno sa che cosa sono in grado di sono fuggiti dal manicomio neanche un giorno fa . se vedete questi bambini chiamano la polizia."

"What is he saying??" Emily asked Sam. His eyes grew big as he grabbed her hand.
"We need to go. now." he said and started to walk. Emily tapped hope on the shoulder and smiled. "Time to go I guess."

"He said, no one knows what they are capable of they escaped from the asylum not even a day ago. if you see these children call the police. He is talking about us." Emily and Hopes eyes grew big.
"W-we can't go to jail!" Emily whimpered. Sam was holding her hand and walking through the woods. Hope was holding Justin and Allen's hands and following Sam. They kept walking until they found an old train and train tracks. The place looked dead.
"We're here. Everyone all aboard." Sam said and then opened the train's door.
"Yeah Sam. Let's go get on this hunk of rusty metal. I bet there's a skeleton sitting in the drivers seat...." Emily mumbled.
"I'm the conductor." Sam said, looking at her.
"Please, you can't possibly know how to drive a train." Hope said, rolling her eyes.
"My grandfather used to do it all the time. This was his train, and he shown me how to work it when I was around twelve." Sam said, Getting in the old train. He walked to the front. Emily and hope stepped in slowly and looked around. It was dark, except for some light that was escaping into the grey-tinted windows. They shuttered. Justin and Allen came in behind them. Allen was hugging hopes left leg and Emily was hugging hopes other leg. The lights cut on and then Sam walked to the group.
"Woah.." Emily awed. The place wasn't that dirty actually. The Seats were a light blue, and the tables were all clean. Surprisingly, there were no spiderwebs or bugs to be seen. The floors were clean, except for a track of mud the group had brought in.
"Do you come here often?" Hope asked, looking around.
"Yeah, I used to all the time until I got taken into the asylum. This was where I could just escape when the world seemed unbearable.." Sam admitted, looking around. Emily and Hope smiled.
"I just wish we could find a place with running water..." Emily muttered.
"We could find an apartment. Call our parents and have them book us a plane home?" Justin suggested. Everyone brightened up except Hope.
"We don't have money for a hotel. Plus people are looking for us." Hope said.
"Yeah.. I'm pretty sure people would notice that we came from somewhere considering we're all wearing gowns except for Allen. We all look rough." Emily added in.
"I have money. It's in a little box my granddad locked up. He gave me the key. He said if I'm ever in trouble, I could use it." Sam blurted. He ran into the front real quick and no one saw him for about fifteen minutes.
He came back out, a handful of cash, two old t-shirts, and two pairs of jeans. Him and Sam walked outside and went down to a creek that was close to the train.
"What are they doing?" Emily asked Hope. Hope tried to see through the window and then her face grew red and she looked at Emily.
"I saw Justin's butt... They're washing off." Hope said, looking down.
The boys came in, wearing the clothes that Sam had brought out. They still looked dirty, but not as bad.
"Me and Justin will find a store, buy you guys some clothes, and then find an apartment." Sam said. They all smiled and hugged each other. Sam walked to the front of the train and they heard his voice on the speakers.
"Fasten your seatbelt losers, we're leaving the station."

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