The Great Escape

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"Well...." Justin said looking around. He was examiningph the door that said "danger" across the front.
"Let's go in here!" Hope exclaimed. Before anyone could stop her, she opened the door and Emily followed her in there, moving slowly.
"Woah.." Hope was looking at a panel Box with thousands of buttons and switches.
"What do these do?" Emily asked, pressing down on a button that had the number 13 on it. Nothing seemed to happen. Hope walked over to see electricity moving around in a box filled with wires.
"Shiny..." Hope muttered and put her finger in the box. She started to spazz out and then fell on the floor.
"What just happened?!" Sam asked, running in with Justin. They looked down at Hope. Emily sat beside Hope and checked her pulse.
"She's still here!" Emily said confidently.

Everyone gathered around as hope layer on the floor.
"What do we do with her??" Emily asked.
Emily looked over at josh and his face was red. Emily looked around and her eyes grew big as she scooted over away from him. Josh looked at her and twisted his head towards his knees and rested his heard on his right thigh.
"Whatsssss wrongggg???" He whispered.
Emily started crying and screaming while she started to smack hopes leg.
"I am the president of the United americassss!!!" Hope yelled.
"Get up get up get up!" Emily screamed, still crying and looking at Josh.
"Shhhhh don't cryyyyy" josh was now behind emily, stroking her hair. Hopes arm started to randomly spaz out.
"It looks like a worm!" Hope was laughing at her seizing arm. Emily was crying and try to get away from the crazy boy.
"You shouldn't have let me outtt" josh whispered, sniffing her hair.
"We let you out?" Emily questioned and then remembered pressing a button.

"Why do they make the buttons red, I mean if they were any ugly color but red because, red reminds me of apples and carrots." Emily said.
"Emily, carrots aren't red they are orange. have you been listening to Stephen again?" Hope said as she was smacking her arm trying to get it to stop squirming.
"Maybe.." Emily looked down. She moved around , trying to get Josh away. Justin walked over and stabbed Hope in the arm with a needle.
"MOTHER BERLIN" Hope screamed and then slapped him. Her arm stopped wriggling.
"Oh. Thanks buddy." Hope tried patting his back gently, but she had no feeling in her arm and hit him harder than she planned. He fell to the floor with a thud.
"Hope what did you do??" Emily said while hiding behind hope. josh creepily crawled over to Justin's body. Sniffed him and raised one leg up and peed on justin.
"Can I bury him too????" Josh asked. Emily's eyes grew wide.
"Too?" She mouthed to Hope, looking scared. Hope brushed it off and then slapped Josh with her numb arm.
"Bad!" She grabbed his jar of "special" cookies and smashed them on the floor. Josh crawled over to the shattered bits quickly and started to lick the floor.
"We should probably go.."
"Let's go!" Hope whispered, walking out of the door and then straight back in the room.
"Yeah uh.. I think they know we're in here... PANIC" Hope slammed the door and started pressing random buttons and Emily was flipping switches.
"We gotta get out of here!" Sam said aloud. Emily gave him the dirtiest look.
"Oh good job captain obvious!" She said sarcastically with Anger in her voice. Josh started to randomly bark. Hope looked at Emily and then back at Josh. He started running through the hallways on all fours, barking. Emily stuck her head out of the door and her mouth dropped open.
"We might wanna run."
Sam pushed the girls ahead of them and told them to run and never look back. Of course they had no issue with that because they didn't want to be stabbed with anymore needles.
Sam ran quickly behind his just as he almost reached him his shoelaces came untied. He moved over to the right side of the hall and slowly tied his shoe.
"Bunny ear....wrap around....pull through... and done..." the group of nurses were standing behind him watching him.
A small voice came out of the crowd.
"Look at that weirdo!!!" Everyone looked at him he was about five foot even and had short blonde hair. As they continued to look they noticed something, he had no neck!
A doctor leaned against the wall because she was light headed. she heard a crumble noise. she looked over and saw it was a paper on the bulletin board of the code red members and what their diagnosis was. she looked at the picture. she saw three things. Short. Blonde hair. Appears to have no neck.
"Hee...he...hey buuuddy...." she said while walking towards no neck. He ran at her and pushed with all of his force. she was thrown to the wall as he ran down the hall. A male nurse came up behind Sam and started to drag him down the hall through a red door.
Meanwhile, Emily was sitting under the desk in a office. Hope was walking around labeling everything but, she wasn't putting the labels on the right things. Josh was laying on the floor in fetal position and licking the floor. They were all alone, hiding in an old office.
"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water pout down came the rain and washed the spider out."
Hope looked behind her. the singing stopped.
"Emily???" Hope whispered. Emily looked at Hope.
"Yeah?" Emily was still doing the spider movements with her fingers.
"Maybe we should try to get Sam" Hope whispered. She looked at Josh who was chewing on his ankle.
"We can when we escape." Emily replied. Suddenly, they all heard people running through the hall. Doctors. Josh crawled in a dark corner and Hope hid in a small closet. Emily was under the desk, trying not to look noticeable as the doctors and nurses walked in.
"W-we can't close the doors!" One of the Nurses stuttered, pushing buttons.
"Who did this?!" The Doctor yelled.
"I-I think it was that one boy we dragged out of here." A female nurse said quickly.
"I'm going to teach him a very painful lesson." The doctor walked out with an angered expression on his face. Soon enough, the nurses were out of the room too.

"Okay let's get out of here!" Emily said trying to get out from under the desk and then hitting her head. Hope opened the closet door and she was wrapped completely in gauze.
"I'm a mumm-" She yelled trying to get out and then face planted. Josh crawled up to her and lifted his leg up.
"I'm not dead!" She yelled at him , and he got away from her, looking ashamed.
"Thank god he didn't do that." Hope muttered, taking the gauze off and standing up.
"Come on, let's go." Emily and Hope walked out of the door, with Josh behind. The halls were loud and the paintings were falling off the walls.
"Look!" Emily pointed. Hope looked and saw a small child skipping and carrying a dead rabbit in her arms.
"Doty.." Hope whispered to herself. They all started walking down the hall and they walked past a janitors closet, when the door started to rattle. Emily opened the door and there, Jesse falls out into the hallway. His arms were taped up and connected to his thighs. He was basically in the shape of a ball.
"Kickball!" Hope screamed, running towards Jesse, with her foot ready for action. Before she could kick the small boy, she slipped in a slick area.
"What the?" She looked at the substance now covering her hands. It was clear and very oily.
"You fell on my friend!"Hope heard a man yell from behind her. Emily moved closer to Josh trying to get away from the man. He looked normal, but he started to lick the floor. Hope looked in his hand and saw he was carrying around olive oil..
"Sorry... Were just gonna walk off.." Hope said , trying to sound calm and cool.
"Man, and people think we're crazy." Emily muttered. Josh was running on all fours and he looked up at Emily and asked her where they were going next.
"ONIONA BUSINESS" she yelled, and then started to laugh so hard she cried. Hope high fived her and laughed along. They both caught their breath and realized it really did smell like onions. Why? They looked around and then they saw him. HENRY.
"Group!!!!!" Hope screamed. everyone huddled into a circle.
"Not you Henry!!!" Hope yelled. he walked away and sat in a corner and began cutting onions.
"Gosh he thinks people care...." Jesse mumbled. Emily looked at him and smacked his head.
"STUPID BOY" she yelled.
"Okay, what is the plan?" Hope asked.
"Escape escape escape!!!" Josh barked. he began to roll around. Emily kicked his foot.
"Sit boy." she whispered.
He sat up nicely. they all moved into a circle and began to whisper.
A few minutes later...
"Henry, looks like we get to keep you. ground rules. do not kill bees. always pee under desks. And go with whatever comes to your head first. Deal? Deal." hop said and started to walk down the hall leaving the group behind.
"Oh and one more thing. Enough with the onions!" Emily yelled. She walked off following hope, the boys slowly trailed behind. Hope turned around and yelled.
"Hurry up you pokey turtles!" The boys picked up the pace.
The girls slowed to a halt when they saw a very familiar face.
"EHHH!" The demon screeched and turned around to face the girls.
"Beard!" They screamed in sync. The teacher, known as beard, was blocking the exit.
"Let's just get around her.." Jesse whispered.
"Nice try!" she raised up her arm. As she raised up her flabby arm, doors opened from the sides of the hall. Out came the worst predators ever. No neck, the man with fork fingers, and Doty, who was petting the dead rabbit. Beard screeched , "get them!" 

Just then an explosion happens outside. Emily and Hope ran into a dark room and hid under a table. Everything was quiet. A shadow appeared at the door. the handle started to jiggle.                       "I know you are in there i can hear you breathing, you ruined my life with all of the white out and sanitizer its time for you pay!!!" a familiar voice yelled. It was beard. Jiggle. Jiggle. Jiggle. The door shoved open there she was.... the teacher who taught us about nightmares and taxadermy. She came closer and closer. Then a noise that sounded like a helicopter grew louder and louder. A helicopter crashes through the window. The room went white the girls heard a ring noise. That was the last thing they remembered.

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