The letter in the locker

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Everyone was piling off the buses and back into the school. The whole eighth grade at John Chavis Middle School went to the museum and the mall. Emily and Hope walked into the roach infested lobby of the school and went to their lockers. Emily opened up her locker and a envelope fell out. she opened it, looked up at hope and said "they found us!!!!!!" Hope was staring at the wall laughing like usually. Emily bit hopes leg to get her attention. "You bit me." hope said. "they're coming for us!!!! They will kill us!!!" Emily yelled "what are to talking about?" hope asked. Emily threw the envelope at hope. ben walked past and grabbed the envelope and said "ooooh whats that?" hope picked up a pen and stabbed his elbow "owie!!!" he yelled. He threw it in the floor. Emily crawled around to it biting and stabbing people in the process.

Once Emily got over to the envelope Ben was long gone. She snatched up the envelope up and ran over to Hopes locker and started to read the letter.

"Dear Emily and Hope,

I would like to inform you that you have won two plane tickets to Paris. We have reserved rooms for you at the world famous asile d'aliénés. You leave Wednesday at 7:00am. hope you enjoy!!!

~~anonymous "

Emily and Hope began to look around as if someone was watching them. Emily began to laugh, "why are we scared we are going to Paris?"

Hope shrugged her shoulders. And began walking down the hall. To ms. Stroupe's room aka turkey. When Emily caught up she poked Hope in the

Arm and said "well there's something you don't see everyday." Hope looked up and saw turkey and Beard at the bottom of the hall laughing and talking about something. "Wow, that definitely something that you don't see everyday, they hate each other." A couple of minutes later the dismissal bell rang and we left the school.

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