It's Not A Hotel Anymore...

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Hope woke up about twenty minutes after she had an IV put in her arm. Her eyes grew big. What kind of hotel was she at?

Emily rolled overflow and over again. Hope heard a thud. Emily popped up off the floor.

"Good morning and how do we get out of here?" Emily said.

"Give me like 2 seconds to wake up, please." hope said

She rolled over and looked out the window and saw the sliver of the tree that she could see through the medal bars on the window. Her arm was red from the IV being stabbed into her while she was asleep.

The girls got up and realized someone was watching them sleep. they heard the familiar barking sound that they had heard when they first arrived and the "hotel."

Emily ran over to the table that held a plate of cookies. She carried it over to the window and the boy saw it. He stopped barking and started to drewl. she moved the over over and he moved to follow she pointed to the silver door knob and say the cookie on it. the boy moved to the door. Emily smacked her head on the small window that was on the door. Saw him jump up onto his legs her couldn't keep balance that well as he fell he grabbed the door knob to brace his fall. The door opened a crack.

Emily pushed open the door and hit the boy. He began to whimper. Hope got up and walked out the door Emily was sitting on the ground barking at the boy.

Hope picked up the cookie and put it in his mouth. he wasn't chewing it. His eyes were focused on a painting in the other room.

It was a painting of a beach. There was a woman sitting on the floor petting a leaf.

"Pretty." the boy mumbled quietly

Emily backed away from him. He slowly sat up and started to scoot to the painting.

"Emily..." Hope whispered.

"Come here..."

Emily slowly crept to the other side of the hallway. It was quiet enough to be a funeral. There wasn't anyone around. The girls walked to the end of the hallway there was a bunch of different doors covered in pictures.

"Hope how do we get out of here?" Emily asked.

"I'm not sure.." Hope confessed.

"Crap! get back in the bed now!" Emily yelled while walking weakly to the bed. Hope obeyed. Suddenly, a man walked in their room and looked at the girls.

"Please don't put anymore medicine in our arms..." Hope said quietly. The boy was quite handsome. Tall, lean, dark brown hair, and emerald eyes. He didn't listen and started to fill the IV up. Hope yanked her IV out of her arm and then stabbed him with the needle.

"Ow! What the hell?!" he swore.

Emily cringed. He yanked the needle out, but he started to look very dizzy.

BANG. He fell hitting an instrument tray on the way down. Hope picked him up and laid him down on the bed and put a cookie in the unconscious boy's mouth. Hope giggled and then high-fived a wall. Emily walked to the bed with the sleeping boy, and started to hug his leg. She bit it once, to leave a mark.

"Now let's try to escape." Hope said looking at the doorway. Emily nodded in agreement.

"We can't let him leave though, he'll get us in even more trouble." Emily said pointing at him.

"Find a hiding place, and some tape." hope said casually.

Soon enough, the man was in an empty medicine cabinet with tape around his mouth, arms, and legs. The girls were satisfied. Emily had grabbed his id badge, it could come in handy. They walked slowly into the quiet hallway, looking at all the pictures on the doors.

"Woah.." Emily awed, touching a painting gently.

"I wonder why there's so many different paintings... do we have one?!" hope asked and then looked at the door. There was a painting of two girls who looked like they were crying and laughing.

"Hope, look." Emily whimpered and pointed at one of the girl's hand. There was an envelope in the corner of her hand. Hope looked at Emily and then ran to another door to inspect the picture. There was a girl with a twisted, sad look on her face, a knife at her wrist, and then a dead man on the ground. Hope looked through the bars and saw a girls weeping in the floor, her arms scarred, and she was whimpering the words "daddy" over and over. Emily knocked on the door, the girl didn't look up, so she used the stolen ID card and let herself in. Emily and hope sat in front of the little girl.

"Hi, what's wrong?" Emily asked soothingly.

"Daddy.. daddy.. daddy.." she kept repeating.

"Hi!!!!" Emily yelled

The girls neck quickly turned to look at us. Her eyes were bloodshot from the lack of sleep and her hair looked like it hadn't been brush in a week, She got up and ran at the girls. Emily shoved hope into the door but it wouldn't open. Hey we're trapped.

The girl started to yell "daddy!!! why did you do this to me!!!!!" she tackled hope to the ground. Emily had jumped to the floor as she got closer to her. she crawled over and bit the girl in the ankle. the girl looked down and saw Emily at her foot. she lifted her other foot up when the door opened quickly.

"What is going on in here?" a deep manly voice spoke out.

The little girl ran to the man and sat at his foot and started back up again "daddy."

He glared at the girls and said "get the nurse."

We stood and stared at the man and the girl. She must've been related, they resembled each other especially in the face.

"We can't go get the nurse." hope whispered.

"Why not? that man is scary I would listen to him." Emily replied.

"They will lock us up again."

They stared at each other waiting for one of them to say something but no one said a thing.

All of the sudden a alarm went off.

The door opened at the end of the hall. nurses came flooding into the hall "there they are!!!" they yelled.

Our eyes grew big. where were we suppose to go. where could we hide?

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