In the Fall //// sad angst and fluff///

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Nat fixed the bow tie on Buckys neck.
"What if I can't do it?" Bucky swallowed hard.

"Stop thinking like that, Barnes" she shoved his shoulder.
Everything is in order, no backing out now.

"In front of all those people though?"
"You'll be fine, Barnes"

Bucky sighed and looked at himself in the mirror. "This just doesn't feel real"

"I'll give you a few seconds to collect yourself, then it's go time" she smiled softly and patted the other mans shoulder.

Natasha closed the door on her way out, leaving Bucky alone with his thoughts. Out of the window he could see cars parked everywhere, people hunting for somewhere to park, and some people just lingering outside, waiting.

Bucky gloved his left hand, not wanting to draw attention from the love of his life. Steve looked so handsome in his white tuxedo, like an Angel almost.

Two knocks on the door, "it's go time" Natasha said from the other side. Bucky took one last glance in the mirror, pushing strands of hair behind his ears and flashed a small smile.

He opened the door and was greeted with Nat and Sam. "Let's do this, buddy"

He walked down the row of pews and climbed two steps, people he had known for years all dressed to the nines.

"Before we get started, I would like to say a few things." Bucky began. Looking back at Steve. "Steven Grant Rogers is and will always be the love of my life. He is my guiding light, and the man I wish I was half of. He has taught me how to be understanding and understood, and of course, how to use the T.V remote."

Chuckles erupted from the room and Bucky smiled at them all.

"There's not much more to the story, we defended our country on the front lines. He helped me find myself again, and showed me who I could be. But as the saying goes "All good things-

a tear fled down his face.

-Must come to an end"

Bucky turned back to look at Steve, in the oak casket that sat at the front of the room. Light delicate trickled in from outside, a heavenly hue shrouded the room.

Bucky took Steve's hand, kissed his fingers for a second too long, and placed a golden ring upon his finger.

"Come back to me, baby" he whispered just so Steve could hear. He allowed for a few more tears to fall then shut his eyes tightly, making sure this wasn't some twisted dream.

"R-Reality is a punch in our face, moments like this. Break us down and wear us out, we all get reminded all too soon that we can never take any moment for granite. Now, dry your eyes, he would hate to see you all so sad." Bucky smiled one last time at the crowd.

Steve was buried underneath an oak tree in the humid October air. Bucky stayed until everyone had left and he just sat there, Beside the grave marker. Steve's headstone would come in next week, all polish and perfect.

"Only you would allow sunshine on a morbid day." He recalled a story that his grandmother would tell about being able to pick the weather when you pass.

He talked to Steve for hours, until he ran out of things to say. He stood up, said his last goodbyes, brushed the dirt off of his pants and walked to his car.

When Bucky got back home, he had realized all too soon that without Steve, this was just an old house. With a nice yard and plenty of room for kids. Their kids. If they had adopted any, that is. Bucky sighed as he sat on the front porch swing. Things felt so rushed and it set a high pitched ring in his ear.

"Bucky?" He heard a faint call from inside the house and he ran inside. "Baby I'm right here, don't go. Stevie?? Baby please" he whispered the last words. The ring in his ear only grew stronger and a pound in his chest started.

"Bucky?" He heard again

"Steve, please.. please.." he cried on the floor of the kitchen. His knees pulled to his chest as the sun sank even lower.

"BUCKY !!" 

Bucky Bolted upright, clutching his chest, it was dark, and he blinked away tears.


Bucky looked to his right to see the love of his life, propped up on his left hand in their bed.

"You kicked me in your sleep and started squirming really bad"

Bucky wrapped his arms around his husband with full force and Steve looked confused. "What is all this?"

"Just talk to me, Steve, I never wanna stop hearing your voice."

And with that, Steve pulled Bucky down to his chest and sung to him while he played with his hair.

"It's a little pitchy" Bucky chuckled, and Steve pulled Buckys hair a little harder.

Ahaha you've been bamboozled

Pls don't hurt me ;-; <3

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