Sulking ° TomuDeku

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Ship : TomuDeku

Scenario :


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Izuku was sitting on Tomura's lap, her hands holding a white-coloured console while her emerald green eyes focused on the television screen. Her fingers fiddled with the many buttons on the console at rapid speed. An excited smile tugged on her lips since her avatar was on the brink of winning the duel against Tomura's avatar.

Just one more hit...!!!

"Player 1, K.O.! Player 2,win!"

The announcer in the game said the result of the intense battle. Izuku let out a cheer of victory out of joy, raising her arms high in the air. "Uwaa~ I win! For the first time!" She cupped her cheeks delightfully, faint pink shades tinted on her face.

Izuku was on cloud nine because she never won in video game whenever she was up against Tomura, her boyfriend. This League of Villains' leader was a hardcore gamer after all. No one in the league had defeated him in any game. Every single time they battled against their leader, he defeated them with ease.

Tomura didn't seem enthusiast by the result. He just silently put down his console, strong arms wrapped around his girlfriend's body. Noticing his odd behavior, Izuku turned to the male blunette.

"Tomura, what is wrong, sweetie?" She softly asked him, gazing deeply into his crimson irises. Tomura didn't reply to her with a single word. He just stared into her eyes, extreme guilt panging his heart. He picked her up bridal style and placed her down back on the floor.

The League leader walked over to his king-sized bed and flopped himself on it, ignoring his lover's presence in his bedroom. Izuku tilted her head, absolutely perplexed by his attitude.

What is wrong with him? He is never quiet like this...

Realizing that he didn't want to be disturbed, Izuku stood on her two feet and left the room, silently. She stole a last glance of the love of her life. He was laying in the bed while facing the wall, hiding his face with other pillow.

Okay, this is kinda disturbing. He is QUIET. And worse, he looks a little depressed now.

Shutting the door close, the female greenette descended the stairs leading to downstairs. Upon arriving, she sat on the bar stool. Heaving a deep sigh of defeat, Izuku asked Kurogiri to make a glass of apple juice for her.

Receiving the glass of apple juice, the daughter of the powerful villain mumbled a small 'thank you' before drinking the juice. Her train of thoughts began working at a rapid speed, trying to figure out the problem behind Tomura's odd behavior.

Fem!Izuku X League Of Villains OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now