Chapter 4

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The buzzer to the door of the dorm rang. Summer fell off of the bed and Barrem woke up from her thumping fall, "Summer?... Summer?"

He looked over the edge of the mattress. Summer sat up, "Yeah?"

"Did you sleep next to me in my bed?"

"No I was in my-," Summer then realized that she must have sleepwalked.

Barrem began to feel uncomfortable for a moment and looked at the time on the wall. It was almost time for work so Barrem got up, "Well, It's time to work. We'll find you some clothes after. They'll let you change before your shift and after your shift"

    Summer got dressed faster then Barrem and they both headed down to work and changed.  They then got started in the kitchen of the cafeteria as they took their spots. Barrem took the stove and Summer began setting up the bins and pre-made food in the line. When Barrem was done in the kitchen, Summer helped her bring the food to the line. They set out the trays just in time when a few people came in to eat. Barrem went to the regester and the morning went by.

When lunch came, Summer noticed Jake walk up in front of her from the other side of the line,"So this is the job they gave you?"

"Yes," Summer replied she put some food on his plate.

He noticed the way she did it, "Wow!"


"Normally, cafeteria ladies make a mess when putting food on our plates, but you did it so smoothly."

"Really?" Summer kept continuing to put food on his plate.


Summer then began to feel shy. After a few seconds of silence, she said, "Thank you, I have to get back to work now."

"Okay," Jake replied. He watched her go through the doors in the kitchen.

He turned away as he heard a little laughter and Summer replied to Barrem with, "Stop it, alright."

As he sat down, Barrem and Summer peaked out of the circle window of the closed double doors. They saw him sit down and look at the circle window. Barrem and Summer quickly turned around and ducked.

"What was that," Summer whispered to Barrem.

"Look, he likes you," Barrem replied.

"Holy cheese balls, What?" Summer couldn't believe what Barrem was saying.

Barrem peaked over the the circle window to see him halfway through his food,"You can look now Summer."

Summer peaked through the window andcocked her head, "So what's his history?"

    "He's the descendant of Qrow Brawen. He's almost like him too," Barrem said, "The only difference is that he's not an alcoholic like his parents before him."

    "Why is that name familiar?"

"Well our history books about the silver eyed warriors said something about him being in love with a girl with the last name of Rose. Your last name."

"How do you guys know all of this?"

"We have had time travelers go back in time through the ages of life and collect information. The last time was a few months ago. It was on Jess Rose as she changed it. We've been trying to get information about Ruby Rose, daughter of Qrow's lover, but she won't come up and it's hard to get to her time," Barrem saw the clock and then looked out at the table Jake was sitting at. He was gone, "We better get going to our classes. We can stop by the library for some information about them and then go get some clothes for training and your time here."

The Summer Rose Series Book 4- TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now