Chapter 11

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Meanwhile, as Oscar waited for Ruby to get back, he began working on trying to pay back debt to the gang. First he went to a few pawn shops to pawn a few old things from his family. He got only a few hundred Linen after he sold them. By the end of the three days, he'd already dropped another hundred linen into the cash box. Later that evening, Ruby came through the door and they both hugged each other. When Maracy left, he took her into his room and showed her how much he'd raise to pay the gang back.

The next day Ruby helped pitch in with her pay and they had only a hundred linen to pay back the day before it was time. She and Oscar made a bunch of notebooks and sold all of them online by the morning. They were up all night packaging orders. When the morning came, Oscar took them to the post office and off went the packages. Ruby went to the banks to get Oscar's Paypal cleared. She walked out with the cash and it was all done. He met her back at the park under Pyrha's statue after she waited for him and together they tried to find the Gang's hideout. They couldn't find the place so they both went back to Oscar's car. After Ruby put the money in Oscar's box, They sat in the backseat. They both fell asleep together in the backseat. It was that very hour Oscar got a text on his scroll from a random number.

Random Number: Meet us by the clock tower Pine, with your little girlfriend too.

He didn't wake up to see it. Nor did Ruby. It was very peaceful until hours later, someone smashed the window to the car. They both woke up and scrambled to the middle of the back seat as glass flew everywhere on Ruby's side of the car. All of a sudden, the gang pulled them out of the car.

Ruby fought them, "Let go of me."

Doug forcefully threw her against the hood of the car and pinned her there, putting his weapon to her head, "Where's the money, Pine? Give it to us or your little girlfriend gets it."

"In the back seat of the car on the floor," he replied. A couple of the men went into the back of the car and grabbed the box. They opened it to find the amount he owed them.

They handed it over to Doug. Instead of their boss letting the two go, his hatred towards Ruby grew and he said, "Now that we have your paid debt, Oscar. It's time we do one thing for you! Get them in the car and burn them alive."

"NO," Ruby yelled. She suddenly felt someone coming down the alley. She didn't know who.

A gun shot was heard as it hit the glass of the car headlight. Everyone looked over. It was Marcy. She slowly put her weapon down, "Fine day boys! Should I fire another or would you like to leave my friends alone? They really aren't your business."

"KIll her," Doug commanded. His men shoved Ruby and Oscar in the car and ran towards Marcy. As they did, Doug smashed at the windows of the car. Ruby and Oscar shielded their faces from the glass until she spotted Crescent Rose hidden in the front seat. Quickly, she pushed Oscar down and bolted her body to the front seat, grabbed it and threw it to sniper mode.

Oscar saw what Ruby was doing, "Ruby, NOOO."

When the glass of the car was broken, he shot a few at Doug, but he ducked, opened the door and grabbed Ruby. Her weapon was thrown across the alley walk as he and her took a tackle to the max. With every punch he gave her, she blocked. Ruby then threw him off. She got up and Doug tackled her against the car.

Summer fought until she saw Doug trying to choke Ruby. She looked back at Doug's men who were about to take their assaults on her, she quickly blocked and hit them at full speed of her normal semblance. It was as if everything in the moment became very slow as she shot up from the ground like a rocket. They all knocked out and it sent a wind wave by the time she landed on the ground. It caught Doug's attention. He saw her eyes begin to glow. Oscar looked up from the car and could sense something bad was going to happen. He got up from the floor and quickly got out of the car. Ruby kicked him off of her and he took her with him to the ground. Summer ran over to the two. He knocked her out and then Summer lost it. Part of her brain clicked and Abigail took over. She walked up to him. Doug noticed that Marcy's eye;s had changed from silver to black. Both of her eyes were black. Everything about them, black with her breathing sounding full of vengeance.

The Summer Rose Series Book 4- TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now