Chapter 14

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Ruby waited with her uncle until Oscar came through the door. When it was shut, Ruby spoke, "How was it?"

"I didn't say anything about her," Oscar replied.

"Alright you too. Stop it," Qrow got up, "I know who you're talking about. Claire is safe at Yang's place. They know who she is and where she is possibly. There are security cameras all around the city and they have the licence to tap into the tapes if they need to."

"How do you know this," Oscar asked.

Ruby turned to her in a panic, "YANG? She contacted you, didn't she?"

"She did. What are you two hiding?"

"Look," Oscar sat down, "Marcey didn't want Claire to be in trouble when she was on the run for a week. They took Marcey's scroll so Claire has no way of hearing from her."

"But they can read the texts sent."

"She has a password, right Ruby?"

Ruby shook her head as she too sat down, "Claire's screwed, possibly."

"She is not," Qrow shook his head.

(Fill the space)

They followed Ruby back into the apartment complex and up the stairs. They entered and there Doug laid, under a body bag. Ruby explained and showed them what happened. When they were done, they went down to the parking lot to find a flood of news reporters asking questions at the door.

"He tried to hurt me, but my uncle came in and saved me before Marcey shot up," Ruby exclaimed.

After more questions, one of the reporters asked, "Do you believe that Marcey Renne might not be Marcey Renne? That she might have someone else's soul from a different time?"

Ruby looked at him, "What?"

"Alright, move her out," One of the detectives said. One of the guards took Ruby by the arm and had her walk past them and into one of their car's.

Ruby was confused as she got in. When the car started moving she asked, "What was that last question one of the reporters asked me?"

The detective sighed, "We were going to tell you, but Marcey isn't Marcey. Marcey has one of the souls of a time traveler. We Tested her when your uncle and your friend were being asked questions. She wouldn't tell us, but we found out through her other half."

"Other half?"


"Abigail is Marcey's soul?"

"Abigail is the angelic demon that clinged on to who's soul that is inside of Marcey."

"How do you know this?"

"I can take you to her. Her name is Neo-"

"NEO? Please."

He had the driver get them to where she was. Both got out of the car in the alley and he led her down the way. They stopped and Ruby noticed her.

"NEO," Ruby called.

Neo looked down at her from the balcony. She saw Ruby and the detective  standing in the alley way. She was covered in a few bruises. She took out her earbuds and shut off her scroll attached to her side. She wore a tutu, leotard, tights, pointe shoes and her hair up in a bun. Ruby and the detective heard music from the complex with some talking as she saw Neo look back through the door and then at Ruby. She threw down the ladder and they climbed up. When they got to the level Neo was the detective put out his hand to her, "Hi, kiddo! I have a question to ask you. Do you know anything about The Travelers?"

She nodded and put her fist in her hand. Ruby watched her use sign language to communicate. He translated it for Ruby, "They are a future organization that uses the descendants of us to come back in time to stop the world from possible mass destruction. My mother was killed in one of the experiments when it was just me and her. I was out on the streets because of it and learned about it just in the last two years after your mom disintegrated into ash. Her body was produced after a couple of decades and it night be possible that her soul is in Marcey. With the semblance of my power, I was able to create the skill to know information of the future. However, if these things go out into the open, our world is doomed and the organization will be shut down."

    "Is there any way we can know?"

    "Their abilities. I can feel Summer was sick, but she was also strong. When her ashes flew off into the world's unknown, her memories went away, but she kept her abilities."

    "NEO," one of the instructors yelled from inside. She jumped and signalled them to leave. They left and Ruby looked back. She saw Neo in the window watch them leave before she started her practice.

    When they got back to the station, she saw Marcey. Marcey looked at her as she sat against the wall near the bars. Ruby stopped in front of her and the detective knew it was time to let them alone. He opened the jail cell and Ruby went in locking it behind them, "Five minutes then."

    Ruby looked back at him, "Thank you!"

    After he left Ruby looked back at Marcey, "Why didn't you tell me?"

    "Tell you what," Marcey asked. Summer was afraid of something.


    Summer gave up pretending, "I didn't know until Abby told me. I didn't tell you because you wouldn't believe me. I also didn't want to tell you what I once was in the future because I was scared it would have messed up the balance. I couldn't tell her wife. I had to pretend to keep it all normal, Ruby. I'm so sorry. Looks where I've gotten you and Oscar."

    Ruby sighed and sat next to her mother in another body, "If there's one thing dad always taught me was to keep a secret. When you told me not to tell the police about where you were, I didn't. Is Abby good or bad?"

    "She's good. Want the whole story now?"

    "Yes, please!"

    Summer started from the beginning and Ruby listened. After they hugged and Summer asked, "How did you find out? Do they know?"

    "Through, Neo and yes they might know now."

    "Dang it. If this gets released, it's the end for everyone."

    "The detective knows, but he won't tell and I won't tell mom."

    The detective came back. Ruby hugged her mother and left. Only the detective remained at the jail cell door, "Want me to keep this from the public?"

    "Please," Summer begged.

    "Only if you let Claire in on this. The police are already looking for her for her side of the case."

    "Please don't. It will kill that part of her that loves her wife. The outside of me of what she thinks inside."

    "She'll find it either way, Marcey or should I call you Summer."

    It dawned on Summer. If she let him tell Claire first, he'd have the power to tell the media otherwise. ALso knowing she'd be crushed enough to get over it later in life the more she thought about. If she didn't, he'd tell and Claire would be in enough shock to paralyze herself at the news of the world. Possibly kill herself if all the attention would link to her. Summer looked up, "Then tell her first."

The Summer Rose Series Book 4- TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now