Chapter 6

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Summer immediately woke up. She felt she was in a familiar place until she sat up. She looked down at herself. Her long choppy hair was gone, she was in a hospital bed and in blue hospital clothing. Immediately she looked over and saw herself in the mirror. She was not her. She was the woman from her dream. She rushed her hands through her now curly blackish brown hair and layed back down against the pillow on her back. She threw her hands over her face and began to grunt, "Oh No. This is real. This shouldn't be real. It's dead real."

Summer saw the paper on the desk next to her. The paper had a patient's name on it. Marcy Alice Renne. So I must be her? Wow. Okay, I just gotta get out of here, learn how to be her and about her life, find out why I've been transported into her body.

    Summer sat up again. She kept reading the paper. Five minutes later, a few people came into the room. Who were they? The one with the faded brown pony tail hugged her, "Oh, Marcy. Thank goodness you're okay!"

    "Claire, give her some space. She might still be waking up,"said the dark haired male in the room. Summer noticed it was Oscar and the girl next to him was Ruby.

Summer slowly put her arms around Claire, "I'm alright! I feel fine."

"The doctor said that you'll be able to leave tomorrow."


"Yeah! They just have to do some check ups before you leave."

"Ah okay," Summer responded. It took 24 hours of tests and when They all finally got out of the hospital, it was the next day. Summer never felt this exhausted in Marcey's whole life. The four finally parted down the all at the elevator and Ruby fell asleep on the couch. Oscar took her up to bed and the morning later came. Ruby and Oscar drove down to the office. They scanned in their cards and went off to their part of the office. Ruby went to her cubicle and Oscar went to his office. She turned on her computer and began to edit the paper on her screen. After she finished, it was soon noon and she got up from the desk to go get a snack in the small kitchen.

    "How are you holding up," Oscar surprises her.

    Ruby turned around, red handed with a braided cookie, "Oh, Just fine! I finished the article if you want to check it?"

    "Sure! I'll do it after I go get us some lunch."

Ruby got a call from Claire and picked up her scroll, "Hello?"

"Can you go check on Marcey at the studio? I'm afraid that she's been working too hard," Claire responded.

"Oh sure!"

"Thank you so much Ruby!"

"You're welcome!" Ruby hung up her scroll, "That was Claire. Do you want me to go get our lunch? You're probably really busy, I can tell."

"I guess that's a good idea," Oscar replied, "There's a local cafe a couple blocks away!"

"Okay," Ruby replied. She walked back to her desk, grabbed her wallet and headed out of the building.

The Summer Rose Series Book 4- TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now