Chapter 4

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When Nesta woke, sunlight was streaming through her bedroom window.

'Oh God! It's so late!' she said aloud as she darted out of bed, tore off her nightshirt and ran to the washstand. To avoid another day taking dictation, she'd need to get to the post sack before Ralf did. She splashed herself with cold water from the wash bucket and towelled it off hastily before pulling on an undershirt and a forest green tunic. Then she remembered it was Friday and Empress Sapphira had banned the wearing of green on a Friday. She cursed, wrenched it off over her head and wriggled into a burgundy tunic instead.

If I do the delivery round, I could look in on Leonia. She did invite me to come and visit after all.

Nesta hurtled down the stairs, Finn at her heels, but when she got there, the post sack was gone. Mrs Crosby was reaching up to unbolt the door. Nesta saw through the window that there was already quite a crowd of customers gathered outside. Her face fell. I won't even have time for breakfast! The post mistress looked over her shoulder.

'Sorry, love. I should have woken you.' She wrinkled her forehead and smiled apologetically. 'There's porridge in the pot. You've got time for a few mouthfuls. I'll get your quills and paper out.'

By midday, Nesta's hand was aching from all the writing and her stomach grumbling with hunger.

'The post office will now close for lunch,' Mrs Crosby's shrill voice announced to Nesta's relief. 'Could everybody kindly vacate the premises and come back in half an . . .' She trailed off, eyes fixed on the doorway.

Three burly men in the uniform of the Imperial Guard had pushed their way inside. At their entrance, the post office fell silent.

They wore leather jerkins, long royal blue velvet cloaks and iron helmets. Their hands rested on the hilts of the swords they wore in scabbards at their waists.

Before she knew it, Nesta was on her feet, backing away, instantly transported back to that day. The fists on the door, the shouts in Frailing dialect, her brother's hands forcing her under the floorboards.

Dizziness swirled in her head. She gripped the back of the chair. Finn, who'd been curled up under Nesta's writing desk, jumped to his feet, hackles raised. A low growl rumbled in this throat.

The tallest and youngest-looking of the guards passed flinty black eyes over the room and curled his lip. ''Er Imperial Majesty 'as issued a reward.' His voice dripped with disdain. 'Five gold pieces for information that leads to the arrest of any of the traitors that call 'emselves Wise Women.'

He drew the last two words out sarcastically, then paused to survey his audience, fixing them one by one with his icy glare. 'So I'm asking you all: Do any of you 'ave anyfing you want to tell me?' He bared his crooked teeth in a grin that sent a shiver down Nesta's spine and spread his hands in an expectant gesture.

'Nothing at all!' snapped Mrs Crosby, marching out from behind the counter. 'None of us do and I'll thank you to leave law-abiding citizens to go about their business in peace, Martin Archer.' She advanced on him, her index finger poking him in the chest, forcing him backwards towards the door.' What would your poor dear mother say if she could see you behaving like this? God rest her soul. She was a decent woman, she was, a pillar of the community and she didn't bring you up to go throwing your weight around like this is a place of public service.' The young man's cheeks flushed and he looked at the floor. One of the guards smoothed down his beard to hide his smirk. The other's shoulders shook with suppressed laughter.

Backed into the doorway, he pulled himself up to his full height and fixed his features into their original sneering expression.

'No matter.' His voice was a little higher than before. 'We'll be in the Black Bull until sundown if anyone wants to come and tell us anyfing.' He shot them all a last contemptuous look, pivoted on the spot and marched out of the door, his royal blue cloak flying out behind him. His companions were hot on his heels. Nesta released the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding and collapsed back into her chair.

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