Chapter 16

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Concerned for Theresa's wellbeing, Nesta kept a watchful eye on her friend over the next few days. But it seemed she had no reason to worry, Tess was back to her normal self and soon they'd both forgotten the incident.

One early morning found them sitting with the other Wise Women in the Stone Circle under a pristine blue sky. Nesta breathed slowly, letting her heart open, becoming one with the dawn's vibrant stillness. When the Burned One sounded the low tone that ended the meditation, Nesta gently flexed her fingers and toes, reconnecting with the outer world. The two friends were quietly getting to their feet to make their way back to the Village when the Burned One appeared beside them, a twinkle in her eye. She laid a hand on Theresa's shoulder and whispered something in her ear. Nesta saw her friend's eyebrows shoot up, her mouth open and her expression change to one of barely contained excitement. She grabbed Nesta by the arm and, holding her finger to her lips, started pulling her in the opposite direction from the others.

'Where are we . . .?'
'Sh!' Theresa cut her short. 'Just come. You'll see when we get there.'

Walking briskly, she guided her towards the path that led through the forest down to the jetty. As soon as they were out of sight of the others she broke into a trot, pulling a baffled Nesta along with her.

'Tess, where are you taking me?'
'Sh! Don't make a noise! Just follow me!' Her infectious excitement made Nesta giggle. She felt her heart beat faster in anticipation as they jogged together down the winding path through the trees.

As they approached the final corner before the path opened out onto the riverbank, Theresa put her arm out to indicate that they should stop. She gave a final, 'Sh!'and tiptoed to the end of the treeline where she stood behind the last tree and rested her hands against its trunk. Holding her breath, she turned her head to peep round and look down towards the river.

At once, her face was transfixed with wonder — a radiant smile lit up her features, her one eye half closed in bliss. Intrigued, Nesta came up behind her and twisted round to follow her gaze.

There, standing on the bank, his head bent to drink from the clear water, was the unicorn.

His white coat shimmered in the early morning sun; the light glinted off his silver spiral horn. A gentle breeze lifted his mane and tail. Nesta felt her heart fill with joy at the sight. The atmosphere around him seemed charged with something that Nesta had never felt before– a kind peaceful but vibrant energy which was soft and powerful at the same time. She had the impression that the river's very water was purified by his touch.

The two friends gazed in captivated silence as he drank. He raised his head, water dripping from his muzzle, and turned to look in their direction. Nesta heard Theresa's sharp intake of breath. He bobbed his head up and down twice, picked up his hooves and turned around with a flick of his ears and a swish of his tail. And then the unicorn walked into the forest and was gone.

Not wanting to break the spell, the two girls lingered, quietly savouring the moment. Tess was the first to move, signalling it was time to rouse themselves from their blissful trance. Together they turned and walked back to the Village.

Theresa was positively effervescent with joy. Her smile stretched from ear to ear. Nesta couldn't help laughing. She's like a child at Winterfest.

The one-eyed girl sang aloud as she danced up the hill, the happiness bursting out of her in a shower of vibrant melodies. She seized Nesta by the hands and spun her around until she collapsed at the foot of an oak in a fit of giggles.

Their breakfast tasted better than ever that day – it seemed to Nesta that all their senses were heightened. The scent of the herbs in the Burned One's hut was exquisite.

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