Chapter 31

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Knock, knock.

In her mind, she reached out to Tess as she walked through the Great Hall and along the cloistered walkway to Sapphira's tower.

Nesta! came the reply. Are you okay?

Yes, I am, she said in silence. I'm okay. I'm just very, very tired.

Tell me everything, Tess replied. I want to hear it all.

Nesta filled Tess in on all that had happened as she walked. How the Shade had paralysed her, how she'd healed the memory – the one that Tess had unintentionally witnessed, how Alaric had disappeared after Ada had summoned the Shade away from him and how hostilities between Skaliff and Frailing had ceased. She was just telling her about the plans for the Tarthian Games when they reached the tower's stairwell.

'There's even going to be a fireworks display,' Nesta soul-talked to her friend while Lettie untied the laces on her dress and corset.

'Goodnight, Lettie. You are dismissed.'

'Goodnight, your Majesty.' Lettie bowed to take her leave. Nesta bunched her dress and train up in her arms. As she turned to climb the steps, she caught a glimpse of Lettie's face and did a double take. She was almost unrecognisable. All traces of sourness were gone. A soft smile lifted her face, her half-closed eyes radiated delight. She looked twenty years younger. Nesta smiled back and nodded her goodbye.

Wide-legged, arms full of emerald brocade skirt, Nesta trudged up the stone staircase. What about you, Tess? Have you been okay?

Yes. I'm sorry, Tess replied in Nesta's head. I'm sorry, I ran away. I should have stayed. I just . . .

I'm sorry too. I didn't mean for you to see that. Nesta lifted off the tiara, unclipped the gold earrings, unclasped the ruby and diamond necklace and laid them on the dressing table.

You don't need to apologise. Poor you! I didn't know, Nesta. I'm so glad you've healed the memory now.

Me too. Nesta shrugged herself out of the heavy gown. Where are you now? She pulled aside the four poster bed's damask curtains and flopped down on her back on the covers.

I'm riding back to the village on the unicorn with Ada. He's carrying both of us. He's so strong, you wouldn't believe it! Close your eyes. I'll show you.

Nesta lay spread-eagled on the bed and closed her eyes. Instantly an image from Theresa's viewpoint formed in her head — on the back of the unicorn, her hands grasping his white mane, his silver spiral horn at eye level, in front of her. She rose and fell with his movements, the warm amber light of the setting sun alternated with shade as they rode through the forest. Theresa turned her head and looked at the person riding behind her.

Nesta saw Ada's familiar face — pale and creased, eyelids drooping, dark shadows ringing her eyes — brighten into a smile. Her tangled blonde hair hung loose about her shoulders. Ada lifted a hand to the round crystal bottle engraved with a six-pointed star which hung on a ribbon round her neck and patted it gently.

Wonderful, Tess. But how did Ada know where to find you?

She told me that when she was flying back to the Village from Chesterley one day, as a raven, she'd seen smoke rising above the forest a few miles from the Village. She 'd realised it must have been me who'd lit the fire so she knew I wasn't far away and when you told her your plan and said she'd have to find me, she had an idea who might know where I was.

The unicorn! Nesta soul-shouted.

Yes, exactly. She said she knew he'd be watching over me in secret and making sure I was safe. So when she'd flown back to the Village and given the Burned One your letter, she Shifted back to human form. The Burned One gave her the Shade Bottle like you'd asked her to in the letter, and she went into the forest to call the unicorn. She said he came really quickly. She got on his back and he took her to where I was living.

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