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Jordan lost the ability to speak after being thrown into lockers, pulled by the hair, tricked and teased and touched, and then laughed at when given time to try to squirm away from the attackers.

When Jordan got home, there was no greeting from mom or dad. No, in fact, they long since ignored the very existence of their shipwreck of a child, only noting it when talking about the achievements of Sarah and Bryan, the favored children - the ones that weren't accidents.

Jordan was nothing but one big accident, and so Jordan stumbled in like a car crash; reds and blues shadowed the scene, Jordan walked in a whirl, and fell onto the bed like shattered glass on pavement.

It was at this time where Jordan hated Charlie - those brief moments before falling asleep Charlie was all that could be thought about - how mom and dad may not "nothing" Jordan so much if Charlie had not devastated a once shining reputation everywhere. Jordan would not be excommunicated so if it weren't for what Charlie has done.

These moments before bed, Jordan thought of Charlie with this feverish blame, only to be remedied by sleep.

And so Jordan smashed through reality and fell into dreams. 

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