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It has been 4 years since i have been in this facility. At times, i crave for what others in my life would be expiriencing right now.
But who am i to blame someone?
Losing sanity occasionally and harming the ones you love is not something to be joked about.
Everyday it pains me to wakeup.
But today it didnt.


Just a few hours with her, i have forgotten everything that went bad in my life. Maybe its because she is the first sane person i have met in years. Its not like you get a life inside a rehab.

I watched her as she scrunched her nose in her sleep.
She is the cutest thing ever!

No. I cant get attached to her. She will leave anytime now. Its not like i would get to leave with her.

"What are you thinking Richard"

Thats when i realized she had woken up.

"Nothing. So when are you leaving?"

"Oh. You want me to leave already?"
She chuckled.

"You know what will happen if the guards find you here Blair."
I warned her.

"Today is the 59th anniversary of this rehab. Everyone will be distracted. Iam planning to escape.."

What?! What does she mean by escape!

"With you..."

"With me...?"

"Yes. You are coming with me."

No. I cant leave this place. Im not well enough.

"No Blair. Iam not going with you. I cant and i will not!"

I saw her flinching when i raised my voice.

The innocent look on her face made me feel guilty enough for what i just did.

"Blair. You are fit and healthy to leave. Iam not. I might cause harm to more people and i cant afford that"

"Richard, trust me. You are not insane. They are making you feel that you are. I was here watching what the doctors were doing to you. The blackouts you are having, its because of the medi..."

"Stop Blair! Not another word! What do you know about me huh?! If i was well, why would my family put me here? Why would the doctors do that to me? Nothing makes sense. You are just a 16 year old girl"

I could still feel the frustration that was rushing in me.
Whatever she told me,it triggered every single memory inside me which i was trying so hard to suppress.

"What did you do so bad that you have decided to waste your whole freaking life here?!"

I looked on as She stood up and yelled at my face.

"I killed my own father Blair!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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