Chapter 102 Bleeding Beat

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The air felt awkward and unsettling, every footstep by the door set people on edge, at some moments in that pale room it got so quiet the sounds of the clock could be heard, along with any swallowing or nervous breaths people took; Nick, Kade, Tessa, Chad, Chance, Anthony, Pam and Greg were either sitting, leaning against walls or pacing. After Logan informed them of the situation with Jake, they'd all came in to see him, but weren't yet permitted access, which gained frustration from the anxious group, however all they could do was try to remain as calm as they could.

"This doesn't even feel real bro..." Chance said leaning against the wall near the window, where Anthony had claimed a spot, hands in his pockets. Anthony grinded his teeth to his lip briefly before looking up at Chance, his eyes more baggy then normal.

"I wonder what Jake's even thinking...Like, I don't even know what I'd do if it were me in there..." Chance spoke up staring across the room, at the blank wall, "Its hard to tell...He was still making jokes last we saw him, but how long can you put on a brave face when people are telling you, your dying?" Anthony said his voice hushed, Chance made a pained face shoving his hands further in his pockets, feeling his stomach churn with anxiety, Jake had been their best friend since they were kids in Ohio, and unlike many others, he came back for them when he got fame...Jake had always been a major part of his life, he just couldn't imagine what he'd do or feel if Jake wasn't with him any longer.

"I'm gonna go talk to a nurse" Greg announced standing up, Pam put a hand on his shoulder lowering him back down, giving him a empathetic look, of course they were all rattled wanting to know what was going on, but pestering the nurses wouldn't help, and she knew how excited Greg could get, especially in a high stress situation. "Well we should be doing something- boys liable to think we didn't even show up!" Greg said in frustration as he fidgeted his hands, "Jake's not going to think that, he knows we love him," Pam told him soothingly, "Besides, I'm sure Logan let him know we came" Kade spoke up getting Greg's attention, making him shoot a quick comforting smile,"I hope so," Greg mumbled staring down at the checkered floor frowning; That was his baby boy in there, his youngest son, the one he'd helped deliever...

Greg found himself staring down in his opened hands, thinking back to holding Jake for the first time, hearing his cries as he held the tiny little bundle...He fell for Jake in that moment, and even though things didn't work out for him and Pam, Jake was his son, and he vowed to always be there for him, on call if he needed him. Greg felt a little dissapointed with himself for not being as tradtionally loving as he could have, he prided himself on being a tough dad, and making his kids strong, only now he longed to hug his son tight and tell him how proud he was of him, and how much he loved him,he had a feeling he didn't say it enough...

Logan sat in the hall further from Jakes room now, the day had been a blur, from waking Jake up to the Doctors getting a hold of him, Logan was made to leave the room briefly while they drained Jake of the drugs in his body, the plan was to; drain him, give him a while to recover from that, running a few test to see how his body handled things on its own, then take him in to surgery. Logan was wringing his hands as he waited for the "okay" to see his brother, he was nervous about how he would take being off his medicine, but had to keep reminding himself this would all be better for Jake in the long run...Or at least he hoped it would be.

Part of Logan wanted to go see his parents, but the waiting room was further away, and he couldn't bare to leave Jake even more then he had to...All he could stand to do was keep wringing his hands, tapping his foot and almost jumping up when he saw any doctors...

"Mr.Paul?" A Nurse finally came up to him, Logan whipped his head up looking her over, "What's poppin'? He asked, "Its clear for you to see your brother now, any visitors will have to be premitted by you and him, I ask you have only two at a time to see him though," She explained, before marking a few things on her clipboard, Logan rose up rubbing his sweaty hands on his pants.

"He's still in his room?" Logan questioned, hoping he wasn't headed to surgery just yet, "Yes, he will remain there for a while before we're ready to take him in," She said Logan was about to leave to Jake's door when the nurse stopped him, "Are you Logan Paul the youtuber, vine guy?" She asked, "Yeah?" Logan replied, although always flattered when recognized he wasn't in the mood for pictures or anything.

"Oh, I watched you all the time- guess this is why content was slow, go figure I'd have your brother as a patient here," The Nurse said with a shrug, Logan just nodded awkwardly, still unintrested in really talking about that, it just brought back the painful thoughts of him now doing videos without the competetion of Jake... "Oh uh, good luck with everything," The nurse said sheepishly seeing the look on Logan's face, before she uncomfortably left.

Logan tried to shake his thoughts and just focus on getting to Jake, he didn't know what state he was in, but he was hoping it was a good one, so once again Logan put on a brave smile before entering Jake's room...

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