*Pea's POV*
I was released from the hospital almost an hour after the nurse had given me, my meal. Elizabeth was going to take me home but I told her that Jarrette was already picking me up from the hospital. All Elizabeth had to do was sign me out seeing as my parents couldn't. Once I reached the elevator to leave I started thinking again. I honestly don't want to just have a girl's night alone I want to find a party to go to. I needed a break from life and I know I'm still young but seriously I can still party.
I was now down in the lobby and I noticed Jarrette's car pull up and she was jamming out. I hopped in and instantly she turned it down. "Hey. How are you?" she questioned as I put my buckle around my body.
"I'm fine, I guess. I have a question though." I said looking at her with questioning.
"Yeah sure what is it?" she said taking the car out of park and starting to drive to my house.
"Well, I know this isn't normal for me but can we hit up a party or something. I need a drink." I explained looking over at Jarrette's shocked face.
"Really. My word. Is this real life because this is not my best friend in this car. What honestly happened at that airport that messed with your head." She said stopping at a stop light.
"Nothing, I just need a break. Yeah it sounds unlike me but I need something to get things off my mind. If I sit and watch movies it will give me too much time to over think a bunch of things. But if I'm out having a ton of fun and listening to loud music than I think I have a chance to at least try to get things off my mind." I said as she pulled into my driveway. Allissa and Lilo must have rode together because there was only one car at my house.
"Maybe, maybe we can find a party but are you sure you want to start drinking? You always promised yourself you wouldn't even touch that stuff it you were 21." She explained while turning the engine off.
"Yeah well I guess I changed my mind. plus Lilo is the party type and since it's Saturday I'm sure there's a party she knows about somewhere." I said getting out of the car.
"Okay but how are we going to get home. I defiantly don't want to be the dd of you drunk asses. If we aren't having a movie night I'm going home and sleeping." Jarrette said walking up to my door. I noticed the door was already unlocked so I walked in to find Allissa and Lilo digging into the chips and dip.
"Hey guys." I said sitting down on the couch.
"Hey Pea. How you feeling?" Allissa asked stopping her conversation with Lilo.
"Fine, but I need something. Lilo do you know of any parties tonight that we could hit up?" I murmured while chewing my chips.
"Yeah. This new transfer is having a big bash at his house tonight. He's pretty attractive. His name is Sam but most people call him 'skit' for some reason." she said grabbing some more chips. "He has dusty brown hair and turquoise eyes. He has just of enough abs that just barely show but you know they are there. Bright white beautiful smile and to top it all off he plays sports."
He kind of reminds me of the guy from the airport and hospital...
"Where is he coming from?" I asked a little more interested now.
"SanDiego" she said before all her attention went to her phone."oh I forgot to mention he's in our graduating class, but is actually suppose to be a grade above. so he's a little older."
I want to go to this party so bad I kind of want to meet him. What if he is the guy from the airport. God, please let this Sam kid be the guy from the airport. It kind of kills me that I don't know who saved me from not getting oxygen, fast enough. I could have died without this boy. He is the reason I am still here.
I heard a phone go off and I looked up at the girls to see who it was. "Sam is for sure having a party, I texted some people to make sure and they said that we could come." Lilo expalined texting someone back.
"I'm down for a party if you guys are" Allissa said excited.
"Duh, I'm down. It was my idea to begin with." I said giving Allissa the 'bruh' face.
"I'm out. I'm going to go home and sleep because I'm pretty tired. Plus Taylor might be in town tonight. He said that he is coming through for his RV tour." Jarrette said getting up and going to my kitchen. I followed behind her so I could ask her something. "Why are you following me I'm just getting another propel?"
I gave her a shocked look and spoke, "Well geez I just wanted to ask you something."
"Sorry what is it Pea?" she said sitting down at the island in my kitchen.
"Do you think I could possibly meet a guy tonight" I said sitting down next to her.
"what the hell do you mean you have a boyfriend. I thought you were loyal to him?" Jarrette yell-whispered at me.
"I have a boyfriend?" I gave her a confused look.
"YES! Nash is your fricken boyfriend, what the hell are you talking about. You have been dating him for a while now, actually since two days after hitting your head prom night."
"I thought he was always just my friend... that explains him texting and calling me babe all the time. That also explains why he said I love you, and sounding like he meant it a lot." I whispered the last part to myself making sure Jarrette didn't hear me.
Sorry it's short I had a horrible day and yeah. I'll update soon though I promise.

Friend Zoned? (Nash Grier)
FanfictionPea is just your average teenage girl until something goes wrong. Things turn for the worst when her best friend Nash, figures out she doesn't remember him. After trying his best he wins her heart over.