Chapter Twelve

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"I have two soulmates?" The words come out fast and frantic, letting the two in front of my knowing how freaked out I am.

The dreamscape cinema is brightened now, no longer leaving us in the dark. And in the light, I take a closer look at the new member. He has blue hair, blue eyes, and something oddly familiar about him. That's another catch to the dreamscape, you can never quite put a name to a face.

"That's in-paw-sible, he's clearly an im-paw-ster." The blonde boy says. I give him a questionable look, letting him know that he's weird. "Ugh, it's a cat pun, because I'm your kitty? Never mind."

"I think what cat boy is trying to say is that I'm not supposed to be here, but I am, so something is wrong. Although, I don't mind if it's wrong because you're here." He says as he leans closer to me.

"This is too weird for me." I say, standing up. "We need to sort this out."

The newcomer rises too, extending his hand out to me.

"Let me start by introducing myself, I'm-"

"Don't even bother, she doesn't want to hear it, little boy blue." Kitty remarks, standing up so he isn't left out. I don't think I've ever seen him so jealous before, not even when I told him that I may be in love with someone else. "She won't even let me tell her my real name."

A cocky grin comes from the new guy, showing off his pearly whites. "I guess that's because she was waiting for her real soulmate's name."

I stand in between them so they don't start throwing fists. That would be really messy.

"I guess we could at least have code names? It would make this a bit easier." I reply, ignoring the tension between the two of them.

He thinks for a second, trying to come up with a name.

"Viperion." He says cooly, showing off a tongue piercing.

"That's pretty lame." Blondie says, shaking his head and laughing.

"Well, do you have anything better, cat boy?" Viperion stares at him, and I notice that's he's slightly taller.

"Well, my lady calls me kitty, so the only appropriate name would be Chat Noir, a cat as black as the night." He sizes him up.

I roll my eyes at the two, and scoff loudly so they remember my presence.

"Now that I can call you both something, we need to know all the details since you've got here." My time is serious as I talk and both of them stop bickering.

"I don't know how it happened, I just went to sleep the other night and I was by the lakeside field, where you two were talking on the grass. And now I'm here tonight. I thought something was wrong because up until that night I've always been alone in my dreams, but then I saw you and realised you must be my soulmate." Viperion says sincerely, staring at me with blue eyes that are like reflections of water.

"My lady, are you even hearing this nonsense? I don't trust him, and you shouldn't either." 'Chat Noir' whispers to me, going serious all of a sudden.

In that moment, the only thought that comes to me is how ridiculous his alias is. Chat Noir? Does he think he's some superhero saving Paris or something? Viperion sounds like a rapper name, so don't even get me started on that.

"Then how did he enter the dreamscape?" I try to reason calmly, but my voice has an uncontrollable edge to it, making my words seem harsh.

Dream a little dream of me -Miraculous AuWhere stories live. Discover now