Why me? - Scene 2

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'I opened my eyes slowly, taking in the light. I look around at my surroundings and realize that I'm laying in a beautiful meadow. I sat up and looked around if anyone was near.

I noticed a bench with a person sitting on it. I stood up from my place and carefully walked over to the person.

Once, I was right next to the bench I walked a bit forward and sat down next to the unknown person or should I say unknown girl.

"It's nice to see you again, Dani." The girl said.

Her voice sounded so familiar. A voice that I haven't heard for almost 4 years. That's when it clicked.

"Jessie?" I asked.

She turned her head to face me and gave me her big and beautiful smile.

"Yes, Dani, it's me."

I was in the edge of tears. I couldn't take it anymore. I attacked her with a big bear hug.

She hugged me back instantly. "Jessie how I miss you so." I cried on her shoulder and that's when the tears came running down the hill.

"I've missed you too, Damian. Don't think other wise."

She pulled away and made me look at her. "I didn't leave on purpose. I put the cards on the table, everything was killing me, killing me, Dani. I couldn't take it."

"But, Jessie I could of been there for you."

"No! What's done is done, Damian."

I looked down of guilt. I Finally get to see her and I've already gotten her mad.

"Oh, Dani, don't worry. Every time when I hear your cries I will always be there."

She pulled me into another hug and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you, Damian Razor. Don't ever forget that."

"I love you, too, Jessie and I won't."

"Good, now, take care Dynamite."

"You too, Jamaica."'

I opened my eyes immediately to see if Jessie was still in site but instantly regretted that action. "Ouch. Shit." My eyes started to burn from the bright light. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to rub the pain away. I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes and when they were I looked around my surroundings.  Great! I was in a hospital room again.

From the corner of my eye I saw a body laying on the couch that was against the wall. I looked over at the body and immediately knew who it was. Johnnie.

I saw him shift a bit and a groan escape his lips. He lifted up his bony legs and threw them to the side of the couch and sat up.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" I yelled in with excitement, which made Johnnie jump. "Don't do that." He whispered just enough for me to hear. He stood up from his place and walked up to me.

Once he was next to me, he kissed my forehead. "How are you feeling, baby?"

"Honestly, I feel great. By the way why am I even here, like at the hospital?"

"Oh, well, you broke your ankle and I brought you here. You have been asleep for a while though."


"I'm going to go call the doctor." He kissed my cheek and went running out the door to go get a doctor. After about 5 minutes later, Johnnie came back with the same doctor as last time. "Hello, Damian, we meet agaian." Dr. Phil said. I gave him a small wave and sighed deeply.

"So is my ankle alright?" I asked as nervousness filled my voice. "Well, your ankle isn't too bad for a surgery that's one good thing, but you will need to use crutches to walk. You can walk but not very well and it can cause pain."

I nodded my head and asked, "when can I leave?"

"Right now if you'll like."

"I want to leave now."

"Alright then, I'll get you the crutches and you sir," he said pointing to Johnnie. "go to the lobby and sign her out." Johnnie nodded his head and they both went out the door.

A few moments later Dr. Phil came in with the crutches and Johnnie following behind him with a bag. Dr. Phil placed the crutches on the side of the bed and left. Johnnie handed me the bag and once I grabbed it I unzipped it and took out the clothes that were in there.

"Johnnie?" I asked.


"Could you help me with my clothes?" I asked pointing to the gown and the pile of clothes.

He hesitated to answered. He nodded his head slowly and walked up to me. Once he face in front of me, he untied the strings from the back of the hospital gown. He slipped it off of me; leaving me in my bra and underwead. His cheeks turned to a shade of bright pink. He looked at me and gave me an embarrassed smile.

I gave him a big smile and continued putting my clothes on. I handed him the shorts he brought and he took them. He carefully slipped the shorts through my legs and I got them in. I grabbed my shirt and slipped it on. I grabbed the crutches from the side of the bed and placed them on the floor.

Johnnie wrapped his arms around my tiny waist, lifted me up, and placed me gently on the floor.

We started walking out of the room and to the elevator. Johnnie pressed the down button and the doors slid open in a few seconds. We got in and once the doors slid back closed I pressed the button that takes us to the lobby. A few seconds later the doors slid opened and we walked off the elevator. Once we got out of the hospital I sighed of relief.

"C'mon babe." Johnnie said. I followed him close behind when all of a sudden I felt a hand cover my mouth and an arm grabbing my waist while taking me away.

I tried to escape who's ever grip it was, but found it impossible. I bit the persons hand and once my lips were free to talk I yelled, "Johnn-" Before I could finish the person trapped my lips once again. I felt the person lean in my ear and he whispered, "yell and your going to regret it, bitch."

I recognized the voice pretty quickly and once I found out who it was I started sobbing and crying uncontrollably. Bill.

He threw me to the back seats and threw the crutches at my sore body and closed the door. "Ah!" I cried. Tears and sobs echoed through the vehicle.

He got in the driver's seat and started driving; away from the hospital and Johnnie. I cried even harder by just thinking that.

After a few hours that past we made it to a house. Not my house. Not my old house. It was a new one. Some where far and unknown. He parked the car on the drive way and got off the car. He came to my side of the door and yanked me out with force. He threw me against the car and handed me the crutches. He closed the door and said, "walk over to door quickly for the neighbors not to suspect anything. Got it?" I nodded my head furiously and started walking to the door.

Once, we were there we entered the house and then I saw them; My mother and father.


I'm so sorry it took me to long to update! I'll try to update as soon as I can next time.

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