Chapter One: Moving Again

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It was another cold night in the city of Gith. Gith City had more Magians than any other place in the world. Some Celestials also lived here but they were mostly lowkey, they came and left quickly. The number of humans living here could be counted on two hands.

The street lights didn't extend to this part of the city so only few head lights could be seen if one looked outside. Seventeen year old Giselle and her Aunt Mel, were part of the few people on the road.

For the millionth time, Giselle listened to her aunt complain about the weather. "This time it's different Elle, I'm serious. Look at the shape of those clouds, there's no way that's ordinary". Giselle - Elle, pretended to look outside and rolled her eyes. It was always different for Aunt Mel.

"We'll be home soon, Aunt. Maybe if you step on it a little, we'll be home even faster", Elle pretended to joke. Her aunt usually drove like they had all day. She still had to plant new seeds before making the next batch of pills to sell to the Celestials. She just wished she could drive the car instead. They were less than 400 meters away from their house when they first saw it.

"What's happening? Is that fire?", Aunt Mel's shrill voice filled the car. "Drive faster, Aunty. That's our house!" With round eyes, the two women looked at the building that they were getting closer to. There were countless valuable things inside their house that they had saved up. Before the engine of the car was switched off, Elle had run out to take a closer look. She could already hear her aunt crying hysterically.

Elle was calling their fire department as she was trying to calm her aunt down. "Hello? My house is burning! Please hurry", she couldn't really hear what the operator was saying admist her aunt's cries. She just dropped her house address and told them to hurry.

The fire department was working hard to put out the fire but they all knew the house was irreparable. Thankfully, her aunt's paranoia made them store the most valuable valuables in different places. She always said it was better to be prepared for anything but even she didn't expect those preventive measures would be for a burnt house. Yet, there were still important recipes that she had yet to master inside the house.

"This time we have to move to another place entirely", the somewhat calmer Aunt Mel said. Different "incidents" had been happening to Giselle and her aunt for a few months but she knew this was her aunt's limit so she simply agreed with her.

Since her father died, her aunt had been the one taking care of her. She acted a little crazy here and there but it wasn't more than Giselle had seen. She didn't know where her mother was - she was told her mother was a powerful Magian but went missing few days after she was born. She made sure Giselle had her family's gift and then disappeared. Her aunt had taught her everything she knew up till now - which wasn't much by the way.

There were two types of Magians: Pillar Magians and Grin Magians. The type of a magian was known immediately one was born; it was an innate power. Giselle's family were Pillar Magians. They were born supporters that specialized in pill concoctions, herbs and well - money making.

"Where are we going this time?", the heartbroken Giselle, finally asked. She had unsold pills inside the house. When her pills wasted, she always felt like part of her did too. Elle didn't want to go to a quiet neighborhood like this one anymore. After all, if they had neighbors, the fire wouldn't have become so bad. She wanted more people around them especially because of her aunt. They both had zero things in common and she spent money like water. She always asked her aunt if they were really related.

Mel looked at her niece and decided that it was time to go to that place. She had to make sure her niece was strong enough to protect herself at least. As far as she knew, that place was the safest place for them but also dangerous. Furthermore, she missed that woman's cooking and their talks. She weighed the pros and cons and made a swift decision. Even if a scolding awaited her, she couldn't put it off any longer.

She looked into the eyes of her beautiful niece and said one word, "Jove"

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