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During lunch Jeremiah sat with his long time friends; Ethan and Benny were talking about what happened over the years purposely leaving the supernatural part out.

"So, you actually made two -not one- but two friends on your own," Jeremiah asked as he looked to the apparent friends.

Sarah and Erica.

"Well Erica is more like a... well..." The two boys look towards each other as they figure out a term for their so called status.

"Well it's more like she knows we exist." Ethan agreed as they finished eating.

:: :: ::

Erica kept glancing across the cafeteria to none other than Jeremiah Jackson, who would occasionally catch her and subtly slide his finger across his nose.

Jeremiah knew what he was doing and he knew Erica knew too, but he couldn't help it, he liked to pick on her.

He wasn't an idiot, he knew Erica has (and most probably always will) followed him around like a puppy even before he left. He didn't expect a glow up from her but then again he didn't expect to come back to Whitechapel.

Once again he caught her looking not breaking contact he smirks as he squeezed his nose.

Erica growls as he smirked when she broke her cup of "coffee".

"Erica!!" Sarah exclaims as she quickly tries to cover the red liquid with napkins. All Erica could do is glare at the boy who smirks and sips from his milk carton.

Sarah scolds her as she tries her best to clean up the mess. Erica sighs no helping Sarah before shooting one last glare at the boy before leaving the cafeteria. Meanwhile, Jeremiah was listening to Benny talking about the girl he was currently crushing on.

Apparently he wanted to woo her with magic. At the word Jeremiah raised his brows in question but Ethan immediately smacks Benny. Realizing his mistake they both begin to snort and laugh awkwardly glancing between each other and to Jeremiah. "What Benny means by magic is, after you left he's been learning magic tricks."

Jeremiah noticed the disgust cross on Benny's face he forced a smile. Ethan smiled nervously before he kept nudging Benny. "Since when is learning magic..."cool"? I'm pretty sure magic tricks --magic in general is probably the lamest thing." The boy smirks when he saw Benny get offended and before Benny could defend himself and magic Ethan laughs loudly before pulling Benny away. Following them with his eyes he notice Ethan dragging Benny out of his sight.

Looking down at his food, he closed his eyes for a brief second concentrating on listening to his friends conversation. "Benny! Jeremiah can't know about you being a warlock or anything! I think it's safer for him to not know about the supernatural. Especially Erica or Sarah --not even Rory being vampires."

"What?! Come on man, Jeremiah is always cool and he's so cool that he doesn't care he's cool. Him finding out about us makes our friendship stronger! And... more likely him not leave us for the cooler crowd."

But before he could listen further into the conversation, he saw someone sit in front of him. Bringing his focus back to where he was, he leaning back slightly when he saw an unfamiliar girl sitting there smiling shyly at him. He glanced around him, wondering why she sat here. As much as he was well known, Jeremiah wasn't keen on being popular or making any more new friends. Therefore, he never made an effort to make any or develop a close bond with any of them. Even now with Ethan and benny, he would try to keep his distance. But since he was already friends with them long before he found out his fate, he couldn't keep them too far a away.

"Can I help you?" He asked as he looked at the girl who has yet to say a word. The girl cleared her throat before looking down, her cheeks turning slightly pink. She unconsciously brushed her fingers through her hair, "I'm Paige. I thought I would introduce myself since you're new here." She held her hand out as Jeremiah looks to the hand. Before he goes to shake it, someone cleared their throat loudly before sitting beside the nervous girl. The two look to the new comer and it was Erica who smiled at Jeremiah before it dropped as she looks to the girl. "Peyton was it? Yeah. Dont care liste-"

Erica was cut by Paige correcting her name as Erica eye's twitched. "Actually, I was talking to -"

"-Jeremiah? Yeah I saw and I just wanted you to know that-" with each passing word Erica's voice got lower and she got closer to her face. Jeremiah watched silently as Erica goes to threaten the girl but Ethan and Benny come. "-Erica! What are you doing here?" Ethan chuckles, already knowing what Erica was going to do. Thankfully they came just in time, otherwise Jeremiah would've seen the glowing eyes and fangs.

Erica continues to glare at Paige as the girl simply glared back. "Well, Paige. Nice to meet you. I'm going to leave now." The new boy stood up grabbing his messenger bag and leaving the table before more was said. Just before he left the cafeteria, he glanced back and saw Paige leaving the table as Erica followed her with her eyes. As he made his way down the hall he listened in on their conversation.

Ethan was telling Erica how Jeremiah couldn't know about the supernatural. Soon Jeremiah heard Sarah walk up scolding Erica about leaving her to clean up the mess. Ethan and another girl --Sarah-- begin talking about Jeremiah. Ethan telling her and Erica it was best if he didn't know, it was for his safety. Jeremiah couldn't help but smirk, if only they knew, he knew more than they would ever know. Once he got to his locker he decided it was best to call someone, "Grammy Weir, long time no see... Yeah... I'll meet up with you now... No one will miss me."

After he hung up his phone, he makes hos way out of the school. Ignoring the stares and whispers as he walked past. He walked down the road until he gets into an ally. Looking around and saw no one, he held his bag tightly before he sped out of sight and onto the Weir property. He let a small smile pull at the corner of his lips when he saw the familiar women. "Jeremiah dear. I'm surprised you're back."

"Me too."

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