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"It's been quite a while dear boy. How are you?" Grammy Weir spoke softly after hugging the boy. Jeremiah smiled as he walked into the house.

"I'm doing alright. I was just wondering if you supply me with the usual. I uh, overhead Ethan and Benny over lunch. I'm guessing they know about the whole secrets that lie in White Chapel?"

"Not all, but they'll get there. Do they know?"

Jeremiah immediately shook his head, wanting to change the subject and thought back to girl Ethan and Benny talked about. "Sarah Fox. Vampire?"

Grammy Weir shook her head making her way to the table to make a blood substitute for Jeremiah. As she makes the concoction, she explained Sarah's situation and Jesse.

Jeremiah chuckles when he heard that Sarah was technically Ethan's babysitter. And cringed when he remembers Jesse.


6 year old Jeremiah was making his way back to his home at night. He was coming back from hanging out with Ethan and Benny. Unlike other times he would speed home, he wanted to take the mundane way. As he turn down the street he heard some people arguing. Being a little curious himself, he followed the verbal fight to the edge of the woods. He saw two people, both male and quite tall, for him at least.

He heard them arguing about a flock and a moon. Wanting to know more, he flitted closer but he needed more practice on being more quiet because he was heard by the two mysterious males.

"Jesse leave it, it's just a stupid kid." The guy with curly hair spoke. Jesse raised his hands silencing the guy before getting closer to the boy. Jesse listened to the boys heartbeat and it was something he hasn't heard before, his heartbeat was irregular. It would speed up for a few seconds and slow down to where it could be considered near death. He kneeled down until he was eye to eye to the boy.

"What's your name kid?"


"Well Jeremiah, what are you doing out here this late? No kids your age should be walking alone, there could be monsters wandering around."

Jeremiah looked into Jesse's eyes and saw the darkness he saw in his father's eyes. "Monsters like you? You're one of them aren't you." Jeremiah has always been mature for his age, seemingly to develop and grow faster than any normal children his age. When he was only a few months he developed the ability to talk and walk. At only age three he could already read and write at a middle school level. To others he was a genius but he and very little others knew why he developed faster than the other kids.

An old soul they would say.

But he was just built differently.

Jesse smirked as he glanced back at the other person who stayed quiet. "One of who?"

"A vampire."

Jesse's smirk widen into a smile, this kid intrigued him. He wasn't just a stupid kid, he was smart and apparently knew about vampires. What a waste, "yes I am, we both are. But no worries, we'll just take you back to your parents before-"


"-Don't interrupt me, Gordon. Now as I-" Jesse stops suddenly when he saw the kid speed past him and into the forest. He stood back up and looked to Gordon who looked surprised just as him. "Did you see that?" Gordon asked and Jesse gave him a look, walking past to the direction Jeremiah went.

"Of course I saw, you idiot. I'm dead not blind. Let's go!" He and Gordon sped through the woods looking for the boy.

"What is he?!"

Limerence // Erica Jones //Where stories live. Discover now