[11 Street Lights]

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It was still raining. Just a slow, steady stream of raindrops. Theo liked the pitter-patter of the drops against windows, and the ground. As he walked, he lit a cigarette. He just needed to clear his mind, maybe then he could decide what to do about Electra.

Right now, his brain was swirling with a million and one thoughts. It was an unbearable storm of relentless thoughts. His own head seemed to be torturing him. Confrontation wasn't Theo's thing, so of course, he ignored it. He ignored everything and just let it storm until finally his head gets flooded and he spills every single thought that has ever crossed his mind.

He wondered why his life was like this. There's no way he'd ever become anything in life, so why even bother? He'd spent so many years terrified of himself because of what he could do, petrified of someone finding out that he and his sister were freaks. He had run out of time and there wasn't anything left for him now. Spending most of your years worried about your own self, will eventually get you left behind. Theo learned this the hard way.

By now, the rain was pouring. Every drop seemed to hit the ground harder. Theo finally stopped and noticed that his cigarette was soggy, he was starting to get soaked, the street lights were coming on, the sun was going down, and he left his phone at the apartment. Shit.

He made his way inside a nearby bar, looking for shelter. The place was fairly empty, and some shitty jazz musician was playing. Let's be honest, no one was there for the live music. Hey fished through his pockets, and happened to have some cash and his I.D. on him. Every bad day has to have at least some good in it, right?

He sat at the bar, and ordered. A few minutes passed, and someone sat right beside him. He turned to get a look at this person, but just realized it was his ex-boyfriend, Truth.

Their relationship was a thing of the past. Truth was a good guy, he lived this white-picket fence, cookie cutter life. He had a wife, and children. Once Theo found this out, he left Truth. He was completely honest with Truth's wife about the situation. It was years ago, but he still feels guilty for practically ruining his marriage.

"Long time, no see." Muttered Truth. Theo tried to force an awkward smile on his face, "Haha...yeah."
The two sat in silence for a minute, while taking some drinks. "I miss you." Truth spoke up. To be honest, Theo didn't even have the heart to look at him. He stared off into space, "I ruined your marriage."
"It's not like I was happy in it anyways." Truth sighed.

"What have you been up to?" Truth asked, Theo just shrugged in response. "Not like you asked...but I got kicked out of the house, yknow, after you told her. Lived in a motel for a while, and was miserable as hell. Now i'm living in an apartment, my neighbors are loud as all hell, but I get em' back by bringing home anyone I like."

Theo just listened as he talked, taking gulps of his drink, just to try and distract himself from Truth's voice. Truth kept talking, Theo kept drinking. They were both wasted, maybe that's why Theo walked home with him. Maybe that's why Theo kissed him, and relived everything they did together.

Why did Theo imagine him as Klaus? Pretending that this man was that scrawny little asshole. It took a lot to not call out his name. He screamed Truth but every part of him wanted to say Klaus.

The morning after was painful. He left before Truth woke up, and hoped to god he never saw his face again. He walked home with tears streaming down his face, and bruises on his hips. All he wanted, was to just be okay. That's all he wanted.

Hiiii! I wanted to write this and thank you all because I hit 1k votes! It means a lot that y'all actually seem to enjoy my writing. So thank you to everyone who reads this and continues to read new chapters. It means so much to me. I literally cannot thank y'all enough.

Thank you ❤️

(Follow me for any announcements and be sure to comment if there are any spelling mistakes so I can go through and fix them ☺️)

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