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Luke's POV:

I wake up in a field of grass. What happened? I suddenly see a white figure coming towards me.

"Hello?" I say to the figure.

"Luke" the figure says, the voice resembling my brothers.

"Jack?!?" I say, jumping up.

"Luke you must go back, Michael is a wreck along with the other two and mom and dad and Ben as well. Go back Luke, they need you, Michael needs you." Jack says.

"No I can't go back and live there with the pain of mum dying and you having died. Jack life would be so much better here then there, please let me stay." I plead.

"No Luke, go, Michael is ready to kill himself to just be with you again." Jack says "Do this for me baby brother, I love you." He says as he disappears.

Soon I'm left with my thoughts, go back and face everyone and stay with the pain, or stay here and be are free with my brother and possibly have Michael, the love if my life, kill himself to he here with me. My head hurts too much to know right now, I think ill stay here for a while.


Yeah that's different.


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