1~ Mischief Ensues

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The ocean brushes lightly against her tail as she lays on the surface. The warm glow of the sun caresses her face as she admires the puffy, white clouds that glide gracefully across the sky. She gazes at them as they follow wherever the wind blows, not even attempting to resist.

Thinking of her old home in England, she allows herself to sink beneath the waves. She remembers talking to the schools of cod and racing common dolphins. She is lost in her thoughts. Sand floats around her as she makes impact with the ocean floor. She smiles at her memories as she pushes herself upright underwater.

Now that she is no longer lost in thought, she stares around at the colourful coral and variety of exotic fish. The siren effortlessly glides through the water, taking in all the new sights and the feelings that come with them.

As the siren rummages through shells, to look for the perfect one for her collection, she discovers a strange sight. A merman's tail. She peeks around the corner of a rock to get a better view. Just before it speeds off, her suspicion is answered. It WAS a merman!

She wants to follow him to find out who he really is but he swam off to fast. So she decides to search the coast to see if she can find him. She didn't see his face, but she is determined.

• • •

After about half an hour of searching, she finally senses something. She is near a cafe which seems to be built on a pier. She cautiously raises her head above the water and uses a dock close by to hide from any wandering eyes.

~Sirens can sense what species are nearby because they are adapted to live deep in the middle of the ocean with many predators. At the moment, she can feel the presence of a nearby merman.~

She studies all the people sitting outside the cafe when her gaze lands on two boys, who seem to be her age, having a conversation. Her eyes drift over to the boy with brown hair who seems to be getting agitated with his friend. After they finish their conversation the brunette picks up his smoothie to have a sip.

The siren decides to test her feeling. She lifts her hand out of the water. Smoothie spills onto the boy and he is obviously shocked. The boy glances around before quickly getting out of his seat. Running onto a table, which is pressed against the railing and launching himself into the water. Other customers astonished at his actions except for the blond boy.

The siren pushes herself underwater and hides behind a support beam. She watches as bubbles form around the boy to reveal a stunning, blue tail and to her surprise toned abs. He quickly swims off, to find a place to dry off. The siren quickly speeds after him.

• • •

He hauls himself onto an empty part of the beach, out of view except for the prying eyes of the siren that caused his dilemma. He uses a nearby towel to dry himself off. His legs replace his tail and he quickly stands up and jogs over to the beach where his blonde friend stands.

The siren decides that she should investigate him more. So she drags herself onto where the boy previously was and she uses her powers to steam dry herself. She stands up and dusts the dirt off her denim shorts and straightens her bandana.

She walks to the beach that has loads of people and sits on the sand near the back of the beach so she can get a clear view and continue to observe the merman from afar.

621 words

Siren's Kiss ~ Mako Mermaids [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now