2~ Step 1 Complete

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The girl quickly identifies that the boy's blond friend is the easiest way to get to him. Directly becoming friends with the brunette may come with some risk, so the blonde seems to be the safest way to gain the merman's trust.

• • •

She is just about to try to talk to the blonde boy, but their boss cuts her off before she can even get to them. It must be urgent because the blonde boy is running off the beach. The girl sits back down to wait for the blonde to return so she can find another opportunity.

The brunette gets into the lifesaver chair when the girl senses something that isn't human but is also not a land animal. She brushes it off until she notices three girls kneeling down and watching the brunette intensely. That is when the girl recognises her feeling, they are mermaids. The middle girl raises her hand and the boy gets a gust of wind directly at him causing him to rub his arms.

The siren is trying to piece the parts together, she comes to the conclusion that the three mermaids recently got legs (based on how they walk and their clothing) and that they are either trying to kill the merman or are trying to take away his powers/tail. Although she is confused about why they are allowed on land especially at such a young age.

She allows them to continue as they probably wouldn't kill him in such a public place. The brunette looks through his binoculars and notices a young girl in trouble. He glances around before jumping off his chair. Just at that moment, the mermaid turns up the intensity of her powers which causes the lifesaver chair to blow over. The boy quickly runs into the water and dives in resulting in the mermaids and the siren to stand up in shock.

The merman quickly swims over to the girl and helps her to her board and then he pushes her to a point where the little girl can drift ashore. Then he swims away once the girl is back with her mother. Meanwhile, the blonde boy runs back with the ice and after talking to the mother briefly her looks out to the sea for his fishy friend. A minute or so later the merman appears tail free, the siren sees that as her opportunity to start a conversation.

She jogs over to them just as the little girl claims he has a tail but he brushes it off by saying that he kicks his legs fast.
"You went in the water?" The blonde boy asks his friend.
"You better get that ice where it's needed, " The brunette cockily responds.
"Here, let me help you with that, " The siren tells the blonde, in her thick English (RP) accent as she is picking up one of the bags of ice. She finally found an opportunity!
"Thanks, " The boy responds with a smile.

After the two help the person with heatstroke, the girl takes the opening to introduce herself properly.
"I am Koral, with a K!" She enthusiastically says, holding out her hand.
"I am Cam, with a C!" He says in the worst English accent ever heard, he shakes her outstretched hand. Koral and Cam both chuckle at his terrible accent.
"Are you new in town?" Cam asks.
"Yeah, I moved here yesterday!" Koral answers.
"Do you like it here so far?" He inquires to his new acquaintance.
"Yeah, this place is great, "  She replies to his question.
"By the way, what did you mean when you asked that boy if he got in the water. I don't mean to pry, but I am curious, " she subtly snoops.
"Um..." He says trying to think of a plausible excuse for his odd question.
"Uh... Zac and I made a deal that I would be in the water today and he would be on the beach, " He explains, trying not to sound suspicious but failing miserably.
"Oh okay," She replies sounding convincing. Koral realises that he said his friend's name, Zac.
"I better get back in the water, " Cam says after a couple of seconds of silence.
"Okay, I'll see you around?" Koral enquires.
"Oh, wait," he pauses, turning around and taking out his phone, "Can I get your number, so I can help you settle in and navigate around?"
She takes his phone and types in her number, even though she is fully aware that he is trying to hit on her.
"There you go, " She says, handing back his phone.
"Thanks!" He exclaims, putting his phone back in his pocket.
"I'll text you later, bye," Cam says waving as he runs off towards the lookout chair.
"Bye!" She calls after him.

Koral decides to head to the cafe, where she first saw Zac's face.

• • •

It is now about lunchtime and Koral is starving for some prawns. She walks in and the cafe is fairly busy so she sits at one of the two available tables. She picks up the menu and looks for anything with prawns, to her surprise you can order a bowl of prawns!

"Hello, can I take your order?" A blonde girl wearing a half apron asks with a smile.
"Uh... yes" Koral replies, looking up from her menu, "Please may I have the bowl of prawns with a side of salad."
Her accent is extremely heavy making it difficult to not comment on it, even if she was in England.
"Not from around here?" The waitress inquires.
"Actually I just moved here, my accent is a little obvious isn't it?" The English girl replies with a query.
"A bit, " The blonde replies, they both chuckle. "Carly, " She tells her.
"Koral, " The other girl replies.
"I will get you your food now, " She says ending the conversation with a giggle as she walks behind the counter.

Whilst Koral's food is being prepared she scrolls through her phone until she receives a text from an unknown number. She taps the notification.

Unknown: hey this is cam from the beach

As soon as her eyes scan over the text she mentally facepalms at his terrible texting style.
She ignores it for now and saves his number to her phone, then she proceeds to reply.
~There names are what the other person has them on their phone as~

Koral🇬🇧: Hello, how is the beach without me. I bet everyone is missing me terribly.

Cam🏄🏼: not really I am the only one

Cam🏄🏼: jk I don't miss you either

Koral🇬🇧: Haha, you are SO funny.

Cam🏄🏼: I know

Cam🏄🏼: gtg duty calls

Koral🇬🇧: Okay, see you around.

Cam🏄🏼: bye

Just as he says goodbye, Koral's prawns arrive. She thanks Carly, then immediately starts eating them. Carly looks at her confused at how such a small girl could eat so fast. After she finishes her prawns she decides that she will head home and she pays just before leaving.

1160 words

Siren's Kiss ~ Mako Mermaids [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now