3~ Surprise

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On the way home, Koral takes in the feelings of the world around her. She can smell the salt in the ocean and the seaweed that lays sporadically across the golden sand. She closes her eyes for a moment to allow the sound of the waves colliding with the sand to fill her ears. The feeling of the sand between her toes, on the secluded beach, feels familiar and entirely new at the same time.

Suddenly, her body collides with something hard, sending both her and it to the ground. The girl's eyes open in shock, when her back makes an impact with the sand. She quickly sits up to see what she walked into, her gaze lands on the brunette from earlier. The boy practically jumps to his feet and picks up his phone from the floor, before he realises the girl who is still on the ground in front of him.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry, " He frantically states, offering the girl his hand, " I wasn't looking where I was going, sorry."
"Don't worry about it, I had my eyes closed anyway, " She tells him, whilst he helps her off the ground.
She can't help but notice his muscles, as they flex under her weight.
"You're not hurt, are you?" The boy asks, clearly concerned.
"No, I'm fine, " She replies honestly.
"I didn't expect anyone to be here, it's sort of a private beach, " The brunette mumbling the ending.
"I know, " She pauses before continuing, "I... well, my family own it!"
The boy seems to be shocked by her statement, which causes a silence between them. In this situation, it would be expected that it is an awkward silence but instead it is an unexpected comfortable feeling.

"Zac, right?" The girl questions, breaking the silence, "You're Cam's friend?"
"Yeah, do you know him?" Zac asks curiously.
"Yes, we met earlier on the beach you were life-saving on, " She answers.
"Oh," He says, coming to a realisation, "you're 'the cute girl' that was 'hitting on him'"
Her eyes go wide as the words leave his mouth, she quickly says, "Oh my gosh, I wasn't hitting on him, plus he isn't my type!"
They both laugh at Cam's exaggeration of the situation. The silence seems to creep back as they just stare at each other.

"My lunch break is almost over, so I better head back," Zac says, looking at the time on his phone, breaking the silence this time.
"Wait, what time is it?" Koral asks.
"Quarter past one, " He says.
She hadn't realised how long she was walking for since she left the cafe, at noon.
"I should probably get home, then, " She eventually replies.
"Which direction is it in?" The boy inquires.
She points at the closest house, then confesses, "That's my house." ~See picture~
"Oh, wow, " He pauses in awe, "you really weren't joking when you said this is your beach!"
"No, I wasn't, " The girl explains with a giggle.
"I'll see you around, " The brunette proclaims.
"Yeah, bye, " The blonde says as the boy jogs away.
Koral walks towards her home with a smile plastered on her face, although she is unaware of the cause.

• • •

"Chloe, " Koral calls out as she takes off her shoes in the house entrance.
Her adoptive sister comes running down the stairs and jumps on her. Koral is used to this by now, Chloe always has so much energy.
"Where's Nick?" The oldest of the two girls, asks.
"You know you can call him dad, " Chloe says as she climbs off her sister's back.
"I know and you didn't answer my question, " The blonde retorts.
"Oh, he went to the shops with Josh, " The 14-year-old replies.
"Okay, when will they be back?" The eldest questions.
"In about half an hour, " The brunette answers.
"Alright, I will be in my room, talking to Ella," Koral explains as she walks towards the stairs.

• • •

Once she is in her room with her door shut, she swerves around the boxes in her room because she hasn't fully unpacked yet. Landing on her bed, she pulls out her phone and texts her best friend who is still in England.

Koral🤪: Hey stupid!

Ella😈: You're the stupid one

Koral🤪: Really, how?

Ella😈: You left me alone to wreak havoc

Koral🤪: True, although I wish you were here.

Ella😈: Me two

Ella😈: Can you ft

Koral🤪: Sure.

Koral's phone immediately starts to ring, she picks up after she moves, so she is cross-legged on top of her bed.
"Heyyyyy!" Ella exclaims, dragging out the "y".
"Hey, " Koral announces.
"How's Australia?" The more energetic one asks.
"It's amazing, but would be ten times better if you were here," The youngest of the two, confesses.
"You're right cause you would already have a boyfriend!" Ella declares.
"Ella, I have only been here for like, a day and a half!" The blonde exclaims in surprise.
"You're right," She pauses before continuing, "That is way too long!"
"Ella!" Koral lets out, almost yelling.
After, a moment of silence, they both burst out laughing.
They continue to talk for hours, almost drowning out the sound of Nick shouting out.
"We're home!"

"Nick just got home, I have got to go. Sorry," Koral says with an over-exaggerated frown on her face.
"Don't worry about it, bye, " Ella tells her.
"Thanks, bye, " The blonde replies before she ends the call and jumps off her bed.

• • •

When she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she immediately rushes to help her adoptive father. She immediately takes the bags off Nick and bends down to kiss Joshua's head. In a blur, she rushes to the kitchen and starts to put away the food into the fridge and various cabinets.

Chloe walks into the room with a grin plastered on her face. Once Koral has finished arranging everything, she looks up at her adoptive sister, who is acting suspiciously.
"What?" Koral asks cautiously.
"Nothing, " The younger sibling replies, trying to hold back her grin.
"Sure, " The blonde sarcastically responds.

The teenager wanders over to her 3-year-old brother, picks up and carries him over to the living room.

• • •

She sets Josh down to play with him but notices that the back door is open.
"Who left the door open?" The blonde asks whilst standing up to close it.
When she reaches for the door, she sees something on a chair next to the pool. Koral walks over to the chair, to pick up something that looks like a black hoodie. As she gets closer, the object seems to morph into something else. Nick and Chloe stand in the doorway, watching the blonde girl with smiles on their faces. Once she reaches the chair she realises what it is...

"Surprise!" The two people, standing in the doorway, shout at the girl.
"Wait, " She pauses in shock, mouth agape, "It's mine?"
"Yes, she is!" Chloe exclaims.
"Oh my goodness, she is so cute!" Koral proclaims in a high pitched voice.
"We thought you might want some company during the change. Not to mention we know you adore dogs from shelters because they get a second chance at life." Nick explains.
"Thank you guys so much!" Koral squeals as she runs to them and raps them in a bear hug.

The teenager runs back to the chair and sits on her knees next to it. The little, black labrador turns to face the girl and her tail starts wagging extremely fast. She bounds forward excitedly and licks her face, leaving slobber all over the poor girls face. Koral pulls a face, from her face being covered in the puppy's saliva. The blonde wipes her face quickly and laughs nervously.

"Does she have a name?" Koral asks the two, who are still standing in the doorway.
"No, she is from an illegal dog breeding facility so she may be aggressive at times, " Nick answers.
"She looks like a Luna!" The blonde exclaims with excitement.
She slowly moves her hands towards the puppy and picks her up gently. She cautiously shifts her hold on the fragile animal, so she is leaning against her chest.

She takes Luna inside to the living room, where Josh is playing with his toys. As soon as she sets the puppy down it, runs towards the toddler and licks his face. Surprisingly he laughs, instead of bursting into tears, and gently pulls the puppy into a hug.

1409 words

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