4~ First Day

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Waking up, Koral feels something shift next to her, she shoots up in shock. Quickly realising that it is Luna, she relaxes. She rubs her eyes, trying to wake herself up fully. Before climbing out, carefully making sure she doesn't wake the small puppy.

With her feet firmly on the ground, she makes her way over to her wardrobe. She rummages around the boxes, since she hasn't unpacked properly yet, and puts on a pair of denim shorts and a floral top that has puffy sleeves and a virtually non-existent neckline ~see gif at the top~.

Making her way over to her dressing table, she stops to look at Luna who is somehow still asleep, she continues and sits down and looks into her mirror. She starts to apply her makeup, nothing too extreme, just as she is putting on her mascara someone knocks on her door.

"Koral, are you up?" The voice calls.
"Yeah, " The blonde replies, slightly preoccupied with trying to put in her hoop earrings.
The female voice calls again, "Are you going to help with breakfast?"
"Yes, coming now, " Koral replies as she opens the door, to reveal Elizabeth (her adoptive mother).

• • •

As Koral is preparing to make the pancake mix, she realises that she doesn't know where anything is in her new kitchen.

"Um, where are the bowls, Liz?" Koral confused, asks.
"Uh, that one I think, " She replies, pointing to a cupboard with a smile.
"Thanks, " The blonde replies as she opens the cupboard and takes out the bowl.
"How was work? I hope it was good since we moved halfway across the world for it, " She continues with a chuckle.
"It was great, although it would have been nice to see you when I got home, " She replies with a jokey tone.
"I can't help it, I was distracted by my puppy, so really you should be blaming Nick, " The teenager replies with a smirk, as she whisks the mixture.
"Maybe I should because we were meant to give her to you together, " The brunette says with a chuckle.
"I thought it was him being spontaneous again, " She reveals, grinning from ear to ear.
"No, we thought you deserved something to help adjust to the change, " The adult answers, whilst pouring the mixture into the pan and starting to fry the pancakes.
"Why didn't Chloe get anything then? " She asks curiously.
"It was her idea and she insisted on not getting anything for herself, " The lady replies as Chloe emerges from her room, "Speak of the devil. "

Chloe smiles bitterly, although she is usually full of energy, she is definitely not a morning person. She slumps onto a chair and rests her head in her hands, allowing her messy hair to fall around her face. Liz adds honey and strawberries to a small stack of pancakes and places it in front of Chloe, the girl mumbles a "Thanks, " in return.

Koral sit's down and scoffs down her breakfast before heading to her first day at her new school.

• • •

A couple of days ago, she received a key to her locker; she is supposed to put her new books and other school supplies in before heading to the principles office for a timetable and map. So that is exactly what she does.

Koral enters the school carrying her tote bag and trying her hardest not to scuff her white Gucci wedge platforms (that she was forced to wear by Liz). She scours the locker numbers to find hers. She quickly finds it and puts her key in, but doesn't realise that her locker is sandwiched between Carly's and Zac's until he speaks up.

"Hey again, I didn't know you went here, " He states, startling her.
"Jesus, " The blonde says in shock, then gaining her breath and answering, "Uh, yeah. It's my first day. "
"Sorry for making you jump and I hope you have a good first day, " The boy apologies.
"Don't worry and thanks, " She replies will a smile, whilst struggling to unlock her locker.
"Here let me help, "He enounces, reaches his arm over and gently takes the key from her hand, lingering for a moment. He quickly puts the key in and turns it the opposite way that Koral was and it opens easily.
"You were turning it the wrong way, " Zac tells her.
"Cheers, " The blonde replies before placing her things in her locker.

Whilst organizing her books, she senses the mermaids are nearby. The girl peaks around the edge of her locker and watches them walk up with Cam running closely behind. He talks to them briefly before they wander around to investigate different things, Cam looks confused for a moment before walking towards the one in blue and speaking to her. The mermaid in the pink bumps into a boy but quickly asks forgiveness and helps pick up his books which allows a conversation to ensue. The green dressed girl sticks her face in a helmet which the blue one taps to gain her attention and points her towards Zac. This causes Koral to quickly duck her he's behind her locker door so they don't see her watching. She shuts her locker as if nothing happened, just as Cam walks over to Zac - who is leaning against his locker - with a pen in his mouth. Cam greets his friend with a nod and Zac does the same in response.

"Um, sorry to interrupt but do you know where the principles office is? " Koral asks the two boys awkwardly.
"Koral, you go here? " Cam responds to her question with a question.
"Yeah, it is my first day, " She replies, knowing that she is going to have to repeat that many times.
"Oh, uh yeah we know where that is, " The blonde boy finally answers her question.
"We can take you if you want? " Zac suggests.
"Thanks but only if you have time before your class, " The girl reasons, with a smile.
"I will head to class and tell them if you're late, " Cam proposes.
"Good Idea, " The other two reply at the same time which causes Koral to shout, "Jinx!"
This causes a ripple of laughter through the three as they start walking to their destinations. Cam quickly splits off and the two continue to talk about school and other random things, they soon arrive at the office.

• • •

Koral nervously walks in after knocking on the door, she is greeted with a friendly smile.
"You must be Koral, I am Principal Santos, " The woman greets the new student.
"It's nice to meet you, " The girl speaks in return.
"Take a seat, " The young girl visibly relaxes at her friendly tone and smile.
Something felt odd to her. Then she recognised it as her powers sensing a mermaid, but this just served to confuse her further. She assumed that if the three Powerpuff girls were close they would stay together, however, this feeling was of only one.

As the principal explained how school was going to work for her, this feeling was lingering in the back of her mind.

• • •

Santos shows Woods to her lesson, which happens to be Biology with the few people she knows. Immediately she notices the three mermaids sitting in the back, staring at her. They seemed confused but also as if they knew something that they shouldn't.

The teacher is fumbling around trying to put the anatomy model, he was using for class, back together. The principal seems to have noticed the three as well, Koral assumes that they aren't supposed to be there.

"Class, this is Koral a new student, who just recently moved from England. Make sure to make her feel welcome, " Miss Santos tells the class, as the teacher in the lesson hands the new girl a textbook.
"I'll leave you to it then, " Principal Santos suggests as she exits the classroom, her eyes glued to the mermaids sitting in the back.
"Uh, just take a seat there, " The teacher says, pointing to a seat just as the model falls apart again.

The blonde chuckles slightly, before settling into a chair next to a boy with brown, curly hair. As she takes out her book, she notices that Carly -the girl from the cafe- is sitting behind her. She offers her a small smile, which is returned, before turning back around.

"What page is it?" She whispers to the boy on her right.
"130, " He replies quietly.
"Thanks," The girl responds, opening her textbook to the correct page, "My name is Koral by the way. "
The boy replies, " I'm David, nice to meet you.
The lesson continues, Koral is catching up quickly because she learnt the topics years ago due to the different school system in England.

1506 words
Sorry for the delay I gave been struggling with schoolwork over quarantine and now I am back in school, I will be updating a bit more regularly. 😊My creativity levels are all over the place at the moment. Thank you for waiting!

I am not sure if I should have Evie and Zac as always been just friends or they mutually break up and stay friends in between Episode 6 and 7, what do you think?

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