Chapter 6

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Alec woke up to the sound of someone banging on the door. He tugged his pillow over his head and burrowed himself deeper into his blankets.

"Alec!" Izzy shouted. "I'm not leaving, so you better open this door."

Alec groaned, pounding his fists into his pillow. He hadn't gotten much sleep and now, not only was there pounding on his door, there was pounding in his head as well.

"I know your in there. You have some explaining to do big brother." Izzy tried again, putting her ear to the door.

What could he possibly have to explain to her, Alec thought. Had he missed something? Did something happen?

"Just hold on, I'm coming," he called out. Alec sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before stretching his tense muscles. He then made his way over to the door to let his sister in. Before he could even open the door all the way, Izzy pushed pass him, going straight to his bed, plopping down at the feet end with a slight bounce.

Alec closed the door and turned around to face Izzy, feeling even more annoyed with her antics than usual.

"Izzy," he called, running a hand through is already disheveled hair as he leaned against the door. "What do you want?"

Izzy didn't answer right away, instead she patted the spot on the bed next her, motioning for Alec to have a seat beside her. 

Alec sighed heavily as made his way over to the bed, sitting down where Izzy had indicated. "So what is this about?" He reiterated.

Izzy turned to face her brother. She wanted to maintain eye contact during the conversation they were about to have. Alec wasn't the best liar, his eyes always gave him away. Others, who didn't know what to look for, he could maybe fool, but definately not Izzy. She could read him like a book. And right now, she needed to know exactly what was going on with her brother.

"I saw you last night in the VIP room," Izzy stated simply, carefully studying her brother's face, gauging his reaction.

An array of emotions played out across Alec's features: from confusion to realization, shock, then slowly, acceptance.

"You were kissing a man," Izzy continued, he voice calm.

Alec broke eye contact then, looking down at his hands, fingers intertwined on his lap. This is it, he thought. He could either lie, which he was sure Izzy would see right through, or, he could simply come clean and tell her the truth.

"Yes," he answered simply after several beats. There was not point in denying it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Izzy asked, sadness filling her voice.

"Tell you what Izzy? That I'm gay?" Alec's voice raised a little.

"You're gay?" Izzy looked surprised. "I was gonna say bisexual. I mean, I have seen you with girls before. I just thought..."

"No..." Alec cut her off. "I'm not bisexual. I'm gay. I just...I needed to figure things out."

"And did you? Figure things out, I mean?"

"Well, after last night...I...I'm definately gay." Alec finally looked properly at his sister, trying to read her expression. He was afraid of what he might see on her face: dissapointment, anger, disgust. But he didn't see any of that. Instead...just sadness.

"I thought we were close," Izzy muttered. "How could you not tell me that you were going through something like this?" Her voice held a plea.

"Honestly Iz, I think... I just needed to figure things out on my own. You know? I needed to accept who I am first...before dealing with other people judging me."

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