Chapter 19

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Jace was hooking up with Clary.

That did not surprise Alec in the least. He'd seen the way Jace had looked at her that day when she'd visited the Institute along with her little glasses friend.

What surprised and bothered Alec however, was the fact that Jace had brought her to Magnus' club.

What the hell was he thinking?

With everything that happened... how they'd met her.... their suspicions... Alec just couldn't understand his parabatai's thought process.

Meanwhile, Magnus' own thoughts were even more chaotic than his young lover's. The warlock was having a serious crisis of his own. What the hell was Clary Garroway doing in his club? Needless to say that the warlock had his own reasons for wanting to avoid the redhead. However, before he could even think of what to do, Alec was already dragging him across the room.


With both hands on his hips, Alec stared Jace down, "What are you doing?" He asked his annoyed looking parabatai.

Jace scoffed in response, "If I remember correctly, I was dancing. What were you doing?" He raised a questioning brow in return.

The four of them were now in Magnus' office. Jace was leaning against the bare strip of wall by the closed door with his arms folded against his chest, whilst Alec, resembling a frustrated parent, stood before him looking ready to bombarded him with questions.

Across the room, Clary was seated on the couch whilst Magnus was seated in the chair behind his desk, wishing he could turn back time so that he and Alec had never left.

Alec couldn't help the light blush that crept up his cheeks at Jace's question, his mind flashing back to his earlier actions with Magnus in that very room. His parabatai's insinuation was not lost on him. "This isn't about me," said Alec. He leaned in closer to Jace, his voice falling to a whisper. "Stop playing around. This is serious. You've gotta know that it's dangerous to bring her here after what happened. She already knows too much."

"Don't worry, Clary isn't going to tell anyone about us or the shadow world," said Jace. At Alec's raised brows, Jace rolled his eyes. "Other than her little glasses friend I mean. I'll keep on eye on her."

It was Alec's turn to roll his eyes, "I'm sure you will. But, I'm also talking about what we discussed; about dad acting all weird."

"Which is why I'm keeping an eye on her."

As the two shadowhunters continued to whisper back and forth, Magnus was pretending to go through the documents on his desk. However, the warlock knew that he couldn't continue like this for long. He couldn't just keep ignoring her. He could feel Clary's eyes on him, watching his every move. It was becoming a bit awkward, even for him. So, deciding to break the tension...

"Would you like something to drink?" Asked Magnus, gesturing towards the small mini fridge he had in his office. "Water, soda, juice?"

Snapping out from her reverie, Clary blinked a few times. "Oh. Ah, yes, water is fine. Thank you."

Deciding that it was probably best not to use too much magic in front of Clary, else he triggered something that he was trying very hard to avoid, Magnus got up and physically got the water himself. He tried his best to avoid making prolonged eye contact with Clary, but unfortunately, it didn't make much of a difference.

Clary studied Magnus very closely, from the way he carried himself, his dress, to his facial features. Every line was notable and unique, especially to those with an artistic eye. She could imagine each brush stroke as she captured his image on a canvas. Clary just couldn't help but think... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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