Chapter 1

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A/N HI! I know I'm doing an author's note in the beginning but I just wanted to say that I will be doing some flashbacks in the beginning of this story before the events in Infinity War happen. The flashbacks will help fill in the time between Homecoming and Infinity War. It will also explain some things that happened in the first book and will help make sense of stuff in this book. Okay now to the story 


Y/N's POV 

Life has been very....chaotic since Homecoming. I ended up staying at Midtown for a few months, then I went on my own little mission. I found something that changed everything I've ever known. Let me explain

After the events from homecoming I took some time to do some research. I wanted to know who raised my mother. If she was really raised in Wakanda and the people accepted her then why have no one told me about this place. The only reason how I knew about it was because King T'Chaka told me when me and Nat were at the meeting in Vienna 

(A/N This chapter's flashback will be in italics but the next chapter (or few chapters) wont be. I will let you all know when it changes back)

*First Flashback*

" I don't want to be here" I tell Nat as we make our way into the building

"Well since Tony can't be here you are here to take his place" She says to me

I grab her arm to stop her "But that doesn't mean I agree with this. I didn't sign that contract. I'm not letting anyone control me again" 

She sighs "I know but this is for the best. Just please behave"

"Okay fine" 

She smiles at me 

"Excuse me, Miss Romanoff?" a UN staff says to Nat

" Yes?"

"These need your signature. Thank you" 


" I suppose neither of us is used to the spotlight" A man says to Nat. I look around the room and see so many people here 

"Miss Romanoff and Miss L/N" I look over to see another man

" King T'Chaka. Please, allow me to apologize for what happened in Nigeria" Nat says

" Thank you. Thank you for agreeing to all this. I'm sad to hear that Captain Rogers will not be joining us today" King T'Chaka responds. I look down at my feet

"  Yes, so am I" Nat says 

King T'Chaka looks over at me "You look just like your mother" 

I look at him weird " Um h-how do you know a-about my mother?" I asks

"If everyone could please be seated. This assembly is now in session" A man on the speakers say 

"That is the future calling. Such a pleasure" King T'Chaka's son says out loud then to Nat and I

" I didn't catch your name sir" I say to him

"T'Challa" he replies (RIP Chadwick Boseman)

"Y/N. Nice to meet you T'Challa" I say to him

"You as well Miss L/N" he says 

"Miss L/N can I speak to you for a second?" King T'Chaka asks. I look over at Nat and nod to her "Save me a seat" I tell her and she nods 

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