Chapter 4

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I make it outside of the palace. Why did I end up out here I have no idea

"Y/N?" I look to my left and see Okoye

"Okoye. It's great to see you. Where is T'Challa?"

"In the throne room. I'll take you to him" she says and I nod


Once we made our way to the throne room Okoye stops me 

"He missed having his niece around so he would be very happy to see you have returned"

I smile "I sure hope so" 

I open the throne room doors and walk in

"Uncle T" I say catching T'Challa's attention. He smiles 

" Umtshana wam" (my niece) (A/N I know if you google translate it this says my nephew but when I did English to Xhosa it didn't say that so idk)

He stands up from the throne and makes his way over to me. I hug him once he's close enough to me 

"Wenzantoni apha?" (What are you doing here?) 

I let go of him

"Tony wanted to make sure I was safe so he told me to come here with you"

"Well I'm glad that you are here. You will be safe with us" I smile 


Once I saw Queen Mother and Shuri I made my way to the guest room that T'Challa showed me

I'm currently standing in front of the bathroom mirror

"Y/N?" I hear T'Challa call out. I can hear him make his way in to the bathroom door

"Are you okay?" he says and I feel myself getting a vision. I close my eyes 

"I'm getting a vision" 

*In Vision*

*Third Person POV*

"Excuse me, but... does your friend often do that?" Mantis asks 

Dr. Strange is sitting cross-legged, floating slightly above the ground, his hands poised in a mystic gesture with the Time Stone glowing brightly in the Eye of Agamotto setting. Green vapor-like energy flows from the stone, and more intricate magical energy patterns circle Dr. Strange's forearms. The Cloak of Levitation flows behind him as if the Stone is creating a strong breeze. His eyes are closed, and his head is jerking rapidly from side to side, the motion blurring, but resembling looking for something

"Strange! We alright?" Tony asks

Dr. Strange snaps out of his trance and falls forward, letting out a cry

You're back. You're alright"

*End of Vision*

I look at T'Challa "I'll be back" I say and I teleport myself to Titan

No one notices me which is good 

" Hey, what was that?" Peter asks

"I went forward in time to view alternate futures. To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict"

"How many did you see?" Some guy asks


"How many did we win?" Tony asks 

Dr. Strange stares at Tony for a moment

"One" he responds 

"Two actually" I say catching everyone's attention

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