We All Fall Down - Oblivious

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ob·liv·i·ous - /əˈblivēəs/ 


Not aware of or not concerned about what is 

happening around one

"Why did you do it?" Jaime asked. 

I shuffled back on the couch. 

I'd been sent home from hospital after a month of persistent questions 

"Stop asking," my mum snapped at him. 

"Sorry for trying to help her!" He yelled at her, angrily. 

"I don't need help!" I yelled at him. 


My jaw dropped in shock. I was horrified. 

"I don't need this from you," I whisper yelled,"you, of all people, my brother, you're meant to support me. I've gotten this enough over the past month." 

"And you'll get it a lot more until you fucking tell me!" He shouted. 

I shook my head and stood up. I ran out the door and down the sidewalk. 

"COME BACK!" Jaime shouted after me. 

I shook my head and continued running. 

I found myself in the park. It was empty, due to younger kids still being at school. 

I sat under the huge oak tree that Jack and I used to sit under with the guys. 

I lay back and let tears slip down my cheeks. 

"Emma?" I heard a faint whisper. 

I opened my eyes to see Jack sitting above me. 

He jumped down and sat beside me,"where have you been?" 

I stared, tears streaming down my cheeks, shocked. 

"We didn't hear from you for like two months," he said,"I- we were so worried." 

I shook my head,"didn't you hear anything?" 

"No, why?" He asked, worried looking. 

"N- never mind," I said, before burying my face in my hands again. 

"What happened?" He asked. 

"No," I whispered,"no, I- I- no." 

"I went to your house and nobody was ever there," he persisted,"I saw your mom and even Jamie around town but they wouldn't say anything. Em, please." 

"Jack," I whispered,"Jack... I- I-" 

I was cut off by Jack's phone ringing. 

"Alex fuck off I'm busy," he said in an annoyed tone. 

He paused a moment, letting Alex talk. 

"Aw for fucks sake," he growled,"tell her I'll come get her." 

He hung up and turned to me,"I gotta go get my mom in the mall. But please, I need to talk to you again. I'm sorry." 

I nodded stiffly and shuffled back into the tree. I pushed myself up against it as much as I could and stared up through the branches. The sky was still bright, just about turning a pink-red colour. 

I heard the grass crunching beside me and someone lie down. I looked around and saw Alex beside me. 

"Hey," he said when I acknowledged him. 

I sighed and put my head on his shoulder,"I can't keep it bottled up." 

"Then tell me," he said, as if it was simple. 

"It's not that easy," I stammered,"you- you've got no i- idea what's been going on." 

"I'm here," he said before settling back into the silence we had been in. 

After a moment or two I sighed deeply. 

"I tried to end it," I whispered. 

"Y- you- you?" He stammered, sitting up slightly. 

I nodded,"nobody knows." 

He sat, mouth gaping open. 

"I tried to drown myself," I choked,"J- Jaime found me." 

I let my head fall back against the tree. 

"Forget about it," I choked before rolling over to face away from him. I stared at little kids running into the park from being at school and fighting for the first go on the swings. 

They had so little to worry about. All they needed to care about was what colour they'd use next for their simple drawing of a dog or a doll's house. Their life was simple. I envied them. 

"You have to tell Jack," Alex finally spoke,"he was a fucking wreck when you were gone. He didn't want to think of it, but he really had thought you'd... You'd..." 

"Committed?" I whispered. 

"Yeah," he sighed,"look, stay right here, I'll be back." 

I nodded and hugged my knees up to my chest. 

"Look, she needs you here," I heard Alex hiss down the phone,"dude, seriously, tell your mom it's an emergency because it is a fucking emergency!" 

I heard him breathe a breath of relief before he sat down next to me again. 

"I called Jack," he said. 

"Why?" I croaked. 

"Because you need him, and he needs you. I'm waiting with you until he gets here," he sighed,"you need to talk." 

I nodded a little and curled into a ball, even more, which I didn't even think was possible.

A/N; yes, it's short, and shit. Short, shit chapter. It'll get better (I think) ((I hope)). Uh, the next chapter will be the Jack talk. So yeah. Enjoy this chapter


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