Chapter 6

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"What do you mean the house was empty?" Seokjin asked in alarm.

Yoongi sighed "He probably ran away. We searched all around the neighborhood and asked people there but no one knows anything." He told him through the phone.

Seokjin went to work after Taehyung's insistence that he was going to be fine alone, he was still uneasy about leaving him so he decided to call Yoongi to assure himself that they have his uncle locked up but Yoongi's words made his blood run cold.

"Fuck! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" He hit the desk in frustration.

"I didn't want to upset you.. and I figured we'll find him quickly but the son of a bitch knows how to hide. We'll keep looking Seokjin, we're going to catch him don't worry."

Seokjin ran a hand through his hair "I hope, I don't want him hurting Taehyung or anyone else again."

"I assume he's gonna be staying with you?"
"Yeah I still need to get his stuff from the house."

Someone knocked on the door and entered, it was his secretary "Your client is here, Seokjin-nim."

"Alright let them enter." He nodded at her, "Yoongi I have to go. Call me if there's any updates." He ended the call and smiled politely at the old woman entering. His stomach churned with worry as he tried to finish his work quickly.


Taehyung scratched his hair, yawning and went to the kitchen to get some water from the fridge. He opened it but there was nothing inside. He frowned and brought a glass from the cabinet, deciding to just drink from the sink. "You thought you could escape me so easily?"

The glass slipped through his hand crashing to the floor, Taehyung's body froze when he heard his uncle's voice. He turned slowly and saw him smirking evilly, holding a knife. "S-eok-" he choked on his words, his voice not coming out.

He gave a wicked laugh "Your little friend isn't here Taetae. It's just you and me now." He advanced closer, Taehyung was shaking, he tried to move, to run, to do anything but his body wouldn't obey him "No one can protect you now." He raised the knife, "goodbye Tae." His evil laugh rang as he dove the knife, stabbing him straight at the heart.

Taehyung screamed loudly, opening his eyes and waking up in cold sweat. His body shook as he blinked at the ceiling, he looked around and found himself still in bed, in Seokjin's room. He gulped up deep breaths of air 'It's just a dream.. just a dream Taehyung no one is here.' He hugged his arms around himself as he repeated, trying to calm down. 'I'm safe, I'm safe.'

He got up shakily, and went to the bathroom. He splashed the cold water on his face to wake himself up, then patted his face dry. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, combing it down.

The sound of rustling outside made him freeze. 'He's here.' His eyes widened in fear. 'No no..' he knew it couldn't be Seokjin because it was still too early for him to be back, that meant his dream was coming true. "" He whimpered, sitting on the bedroom floor, his head between his hands. "I don't want to die."

"Taehyung?" "STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

Jungkook gasped, seeing his friend in that state, trembling on the floor. Seokjin had told him about what happened but he didn't know he was so affected. He approached him slowly gentling his voice as he said "It's me, Jungkook."

"I won't hurt you.." Taehyung looked up with wide eyes, his bangs falling into them.

"Jungkook.." he whispered. Jungkook nodded and sat down beside him, patting his back and pulled him into a hug. "Sorry," Taehyung cleared his throat "I just had a nightmare and I thought.."

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